Stacks: no more cleaning

Me: how much

Stacks: 30

I knew this was gone happen. I wasn't breaking this bitch down no more so now she don't wanna help. I couldn't let that much money go to waste. Hm I think I might know where I can clean my money

"I be back" I stand to my feet "well no I'm not but I'll see you later"

"Lock the door please" Shayla smile at me

"And I better see you at the baby shower" wasn't gone be right if all her friends was there. They already don't like me

Just a friend. I locked the door behind me.

I went to get some barbecue. I got them the exact same meal.

First I headed towards Julissa's place. As soon as I parked I grabbed her back and got out leaving my car on. I knocked on her door and her granny answered. She frowned at me

"Yo old ass don't even know me" I say

"Nigga" she started and I bumped right into her walking in the hose

I walked to Julissa's room "next time if that old hag ass hoe here don't tell me you hungry. She could've got you some food" I sit the bag on her bed

"How have you been" Julissa ask

She think we friends? "How you been? Well the baby"

"I'm due any second" she smile rubbing her stomach "hope my baby get your freckles"

"What are you having" I ask

"My family and I wanted to wait, is that okay with you" I nodded my head "can you maybe show your face at the baby shower"

Ugh. It's harder and harder to leave a perc alone when people keep wanting me to do shit I don't like "I could, when is it"

"Next Saturday" Ariana shit is next Saturday

"Alright" I say

"Thank you" she smile

"Send me the information" the least I could do is show up. Ariana ain't my only babymama.

"Okay" Julissa was all smiles. I nodded and walked out.

"Next time don't park in my driveway" old people annoy me

"Bitch fuck you" and I made sure I slammed the door. Fuck that hoe.

Then I headed to Ariana's place. Haven't talked to this fire breathing ass bitch in a hot minute. She drop my son off at my moms on Thursdays and I pick him up. One weekend I have him the next Jada. I'm surprised she texted me.

I got to her place and parked next to her car. I didn't have the spare on me so I just looked inside the window. Making sure that seat is where the fuck it's suppose to be.

I used my key and walked in. She was sitting on the couch. No makeup, no lashes, and no wig. She looked at me before putting her attention back on her TV. If I pull this bitch down then imma be wrong

"Here" I walk towards her and sit the bag in front of her.

"Thank you" she damn near whisper not taking her eyes off the TV.

"You not even watching this shit" I say

"How come I'm not" Ari ask looking at me

"Cause all this shit end the same" I say

"You have no idea" she roll her eyes at me

"Got some on your chest" I ask

"Nope" her phone went off and she picked it up. I watched smile and respond to whatever message.

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