The Other Parent: girl fuck you. Better enjoy yo time with that bitch cause she finna die. Everybody finna die cause of you

The Other Parent: and when i pick my kids up make sure they got them shoes i bought. We finna go meet my new girl

I hate this bitch. I hate her so much I swear

Me: girl fuck you

The Other Parent: Nah you eat pussy now 🤭 what's yo technique? I usually like to spell my name and do a little suck between the letters, ya know

Me: blocked

The Other Parent: good 🙂

I wiped my tears and got up from my bedroom floor. I still needed to figure out how the fuck D knows about Trent well at least what she think she knows.

"I'm hungry" Bryce walk in "I want tacos"

I looked at him "you just ate"

"I gave it to the dog" Bryce smile "she wanted some"

Bryce and this dog is always just trouble. He feeds this dog table food, put her on all the furniture, and he even tried taking it to school "she has her own food"

"It stink" Bryce say "tacos please"

I do need to get some more wipes. "Fine go and get your shoes"

"And my dog" I nodded my head. Bryce ran off.

I don't know where Kay has been staying these last few days. She hasn't been at her moms place and the bitch don't have any friends. Her ass probably with some sleezy ass hoe.

I walked to Yosohns room and started getting him dressed to go out. Maybe I could find us a Christmas tree or something to help with this gloomy feeling in the house.

I've been stressing myself out trying to figure out how the fuck D knows about Trent. I have tried to reach out to her but now the bitch is ignoring me.

I also have been trying to tell Kay but she is not trying to speak with me. I sorta understand but she could at least talk to me so we could get this under control before it blows up

I can't allow her to go back to jail. Look how they did her last time. Treated her like a fucking animal. I'm not going for that shit. Last time we weren't really together but this time, well according to her we aren't together, but I'm not about to let her get treated like that again because she's still my Nigga. She's just upset right now.

Ari Fletcher: 🤍

After posting the video I recorded yesterday on Facebook I was grabbing the boys and we were walking out. I just want Kay's attention! I don't like being the reason we're on the outs.

Once we got to Target I put both of them in the cart. Bryce is bad as fuck. He'll just walk off without saying a thing. I don't have time

"It's almost Christmas" I smile looking at the decorations

"Can we get that and that and that" he starts pointing

"First let's find a tree" I say walking to the back of the store "Ooh let's do a white tree with pink balls"

"No" I looked at Bryce "that's for girls"

"I'm a girl" I say "I'm paying for it"

"I'll pay" Bryce say

Beauty & The BeastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora