Chapter 1: Concert

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18-06-18 - A|N - Hi ''tis the author here! Just saying I apologise for the lack of creativity for the first half of this story :,) I think I was 13/14 when I started and finish when I was 16/17 😂 Uhm but I hope you can bare with me for the beginning cause in my opinion it does get a hEck of a lot better towards the end :,) please enjoy and you can inbox me anytime - thanks! -Alex:)

Your POV
You were syked. You were in your friends car on your way to see Fall Out Boy live!
"Ah, can't wait how long till we get there?" You asked, almost jumping out of your seat. "About five more minutes Y|N!" Y|F|N replied. You couldn't wait, you've never been to a concert so you were happy that Fall Out Boy were playing and they weren't that far from you.
~at the concert~
As you pulled up you got out the car to be pulled by Y|F|N.
"C'mon Y|N, we have to get our places!" She was as happy as you were, so, you both ran to your places and you were just one row away from them. As they came on stage Patrick Stump noticed you and smiled, waving. 'OMG, Patrick just noticed me' you thought, while smiling and waving back. After they set up the started to play 'The young blood chronicles'.
~after the concert~
It was 2am and you were on your way out of the concert and your friend unlocked the car. You both got in and it was silent...
"THAT....WAS....AWESOME!!!" You both screamed at the same time.
~after fanngirling~
Y|F|N and you were on your way to hers when there was a loud bang on the roof of the car, she suddenly stopped and you looked at each other
"W-what was that?" She asked, in which you replied, "I-I don't know, s-stay here", you got out of the car and closed the door. Looking at the roof there was nothing there so you went around the back and still nothing was there. As you went to get back in the car, you heard a scream. You grabbed the handle but it was locked so you looked through the window and there... There was your friends body split from her torso down. You screamed at the sight of you best friend lying there, lifeless. You ran to her side and opens the door grabbing her body and sitting on the ground, sobbing. You suddenly felt a gush of wind behind you.
Standing up, you placed your friends dead body down, then wiped your face. " W-whos there?" You shouted feeling another round of wind. You turned around, slowly, and there in front of you was....

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