Special Grom Night

Start from the beginning

"Luz!" I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone call my name, and turned to see Gus and Willow coming up to me.

"Oh hey guys! So I see Grom is still a thing then, yes?"

"Oh yea- except Principle Bump just made it a dance now since there's no monster to wreak havoc on the Isles anymore. Now we can just dance and have fun! Plus, whoever gets chosen this time will get the honor of choosing a partner to dance alone with on the dance floor. " Willow grinned in excitement, I could see she was thinking of something, or someone.

I smirked and leaned towards her a bit. "Someone has a date then I see~?" I snickered as I watched her ears go down while turning a shade of red.


"Well of course she does, her and Boscha are inseparable.~" Gus laughed before getting hit playfully by the plant girl. These two I swear, I'll never get tired of them.

"Yea well, what about you and Matt, hm~?" Her words made him go stiff and flush with embarrassment, his ears pinning down some.

"I-I dunno what you're talking about!" He scoffed, folding his arms before looking over to me. "What about you, Luz? Do you have someone in mind to ask~?"

Oh no. Why do they have to single me out this time? I could feel my face burning as my eyes widened while thinking of a certain witch, glancing away with a nervous grin. "E-Eheh- weeeeell now that you mention it-"

Before I could even explain, I felt someone bump into me from behind and nearly took me out with them as they fell back with a grunt. I regained my balance and turned to see who it was, only to see the girl I had in mind on the ground with her books spread around her.

"Oh my gosh! Amity, are you ok?!" I watched her head snap up to me at my words, her golden honey eyes widening as she stared up into my soul. My heart clenched at the sight. Gah, why does she have to be so adorable?! Her face was a blushing mess now as she realized who it was, her ears pinning down with embarrassment. I held out a hand to her, which she hesitantly took before I helped her up.

"S-Sorry- I wasn't paying attention-" She stammered out, then leaned down to pick up her stuff. I helped her out with some of it, then noticed a familiar pink note. Was she gonna ask someone to Grom?? If so then... why do I feel jealous about it? I went to grab for it, but she quickly snatched it before I could get a hold of it. We both stared before she cleared her throat.

"S-Sorry- reflex-"

"No no, it's fine! Also, who ya asking out then~?" I gave my signature smirk, trying to play dumb from my stupid jealousy. Seriously, why does my heart feel tight like this?

Amity let out a squeak at my question, her ears pinning down as she hid half her reddening face behind her books. Cute.

"I-I um-" She looked like she was about to combust before she slammed the note onto the locker near me, my locker to be exact, then ran off without another word around the corner. My heart stopped for a second while I looked over at the note.

Right there in ink, were those same words I read on the other note from before. Except-

This one had my name at the top.

She wanted to go with me? Me??

"Ay Dios mio, calma mi corazon latiente-" I muttered out, clenching a hand over my chest. I must be dreaming. Wait. Was that what was on her last note? Was the note for me all along?

"Gus, you owe me 10 snails~" I heard Willow interrupt my thoughts from behind, turning to see a grumbling Gus handing over her money.

"Wh- you guys bet on us?!" They gave me a sheepish grin, making me huff.

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