Chapter 16: Dreaded Memories (Part 4)

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As the early rays of dawn shined on my face, I woke up.

Within a second, the dry tears on my cheeks made me remember the previous day.

I consoled myself, and went to have a bath.

I got dressed, and was setting my long and curly hair in place, when I recieved a message from a private number, saying,

"Lovely hair, Rukmini. You've done a good job in setting it, it looks beautiful. Just like you.
Now listen to me and wear something else, maybe a dress or something. Why ? You'll find out soon. Very soon. I promise.
And don't forget, I'm a man of my words, I do what I say.

You know who I am. Anyways, here goes,


Vikramaditya 'whatever'"

I gasped in what you would call, a mix of emotions filled with horror and anger.

So he was watching me all this time ?

I went near the large french window of my room, only to confirm my doubts.
I was rewarded by the most gruesome sight anyone could have had early in the morning, Vikramaditya and Aniket, with their minion brother who I had seen the previous day. Not to mention the huge herd of minions.

Urgh ! I felt horrible. I decided not to change. I mean what was wrong in jeans and a tank top ? I looked perfect, and was not going to change my mind for anyone.

I picked my purse, phone and keys and almost got out of the house, when I heard my phone beep again. I knew from where the text had come, I ignored my phone and turned back to getting my shoes on, when I heard the window in my room crack.

I went running to my room, only to find the beautiful French window smashed into pieces by a huge brick with a paper tied to it.
When I looked out of the now smashed window, the three of them and their other minions were gone.

I unfolded the paper that held this letter,

"Rukmini, I think I told you to change. I can monitor all your movements. Go change, wear some dress or something of that sort. Even shorts will do the trick.
And .... since I promised to tell you why, here it is. I have a surprise for you at college. Go, get ready. Don't waste time now !
Take your time. Don't worry if you get late. I've already made arrangements for that. No one will say anything to you. Not even the principal, he's been spoken to. So, now that you have all the time of the world, I'm sure you can get ready and make your 'already beautiful self' more beautiful. Once you come to college, I shall myself lead you to the surprise.



I got worried. What could his surprise be ?

'Anyways,', I thought to myself, 'I'll get ready as per his wishes for now, but he doesn't know what he's in for.'

I giggled.

'Shrimaan Vikramaditya whatever, don't think I'm going to let you win easily. I'm Rukmini. Rukmini Sawant. I won't let you win. I won't submit myself to you, come what may, you creep. Mee tula jinku nahi denar.', I said looking in the mirror, as I checked myself out.

(Shrimaan= Mister, Mee tula .... = I won't let you win)

I didn't look that bad. A pair of denim shorts, a checks type shirt and shoes, all topped with a ponytail. Now imagine the result.

(Actually, don't imagine. I've posted a picture of Rukmini's clothes and hairstyle. Go see it :D That is NOT Rukmini. Okay ? )

I picked up my keys, and left the house, with a small sticky note on the fridge for Arjun, fibbing about the broken window.

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