Chapter 10: A Nightmare

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I knew I was in a dream.

At first, I saw two small kids, one boy and one girl. The girl looked really small, as if she were only 3 years old and the boy was 8 years old.

They were sitting in a garden behind a big house and were playing.

They were enjoying themselves.

Singing, dancing, and playing seemed like a part of their lives.

I couldn't see their faces, they were blurred.

Next, I was transported to the second part of the dream.

The same kids were in the dream, they had just grown up a bit.

Now, the girl was 6 years old, and the boy was 11.

They were in school uniforms, and were going towards their school from home.

On the way, they were passing by a garden.

The girl saw a flower and liked it, but didn't say anything since they were already a bit late.

Suddenly, the boy jumped up the fence and got her the flower.

That made her really chirpy and happy.

After they had reached school,  the boy dropped her to her class, made sure she was fine, and told her teacher that they were late as their mother woke them up a bit late. That saved the girl from punishment.

When he went to his own class, he saw the students writing an exam. His teacher scolded him for being late and made him write the exam much later. She gave him a lot of homework as punishment.

Then I saw the school bell ring.

The day was over. His friends called him to play football, his favorite sport, but he knew that the little girl would be waiting, so he just ran off from the field.

He went to pick her and saw that she was the only one in the class. All the other kids had left. He apologized and took her home. On the way, she told him that she failed the exam for which he had taught her and showed him the paper.

He almost burst into tears when he saw the paper. She had scored full marks, and was declared as the topper of the class.

She hugged him tightly as he hugged her back and gave her a big bar of chocolate.

The third mini-dream took me to a beach.

Now the girl was 14 and the boy was 19.

They were taking a long walk.

She told him about her celebrity crushes and friends.

He too wanted to hear her out. He knew she loved talking to him the most. And he loved it too.

He laughed as she tripped over a rock and fell into the water which ended up being bad for him because she pulled him into the water and made him wet too.

They played for ages in the water.

They enjoyed themselves and returned home drenched in water.

In an instant, I was taken to the fourth part of the dream.

The girl looked much older now.

She was around 18 years old, and the boy was 23.

They were in a house.

She was sobbing bitterly which made him feel furious.

He asked her repeatedly what the matter was, but she just cried and pulled him into a tight hug and embrace.

He knew something was wrong dreadfully. He knew someone had done something to her. He wanted to know what had happened to the apple of his eyes.

He was desperate to know what or who had hurt her.

Without coming out of the hug, she buried her head in his chest and told him what had happened.

She told him that there was a gang of boys following her from quite a few days.

She weeped uncontrollably when she revealed to him that they were all led by a boy in her college,  who was her senior, and who's father was an influential person.

He laughed and told her that they wouldn't do anything to her.

She then told him that the boy had asked her out. When she refused, he and his brothers tried to follow her everywhere. She somehow escaped from his clutches.

But the day after that, amidst the whole college, he had tried to kiss her. She just pushed him away and slapped him hard on his right cheek.

She told him about what she did in order to protect herself from the boy, that she got him rusticated.

After she did so, he had threatened her to ruin her life forever.

She finally got out of the hug and looked up at the boy with her tear stained eyes, which he wiped.

He consoled her and told her that nothing of that sort would happen with him around.

No one would mess with her when he was around.

I tried to see their faces, but in every scene, the faces were blurred.

Within a spur of a second, the faces became clear to me.

They were all memories of me and Arjun !

As the faces became clear, I saw myself in a room. Only one faint light was in that room.

I walked towards a figure, that looked like someone sitting on a chair. Someone had tied this person's hands and legs and made him to sit on a chair forcibly.

I strained my eyes to look at the person. When I went closer to the chair to see the person, I saw Arjun sitting there !

I was shocked and stunned.

I quickly untied him.

When we were about to run away from this abandoned place, someone stopped us.

Before we could understand what was happening, that someone caught me tightly by my hands, and another person came out from nowhere.

The second person stabbed Arjun !

Not only that, he even kicked him and abused him horribly.

Before leaving, they stabbed him once again in the heart, I screamed loudly !!!!!

Then, they left me alone to see my brother,  my darling - Arjun dead ....

And then I woke up, my dream had broken.

I thanked my stars for this being only a dream, but ended up crying silently.

I wanted to sit, but a hand fell on my waist firmly, preventing me from even turning me.

The hand pulled me closer to the body.

I could feel a well built body, and remembered that last night me and Abhi were ......

I saw clothes strewn all over the room and guessed what must have happened while I was in a state of unconsciousness. I blushed furiously to myself.

'Abhi, please let me sit.', I said.

I think he heard me cry, so he loosened his grip on me. I sat up and began to sob bitterly.

'Are you okay Rukmini ?', said an unknown voice.

I turned to look, it was some unknown man.

'WHO ARE YOU ?????', I screamed loudly.


Who is it ? What's happening ?

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Radhika :)

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