Chapter 6: A Busy Day .....

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That's Rukmini ready in the sari and accessories that her mother - in-law gave her.


'I'm sleepy, baby. Please go get the door will you ?', said Abhimanyu lazily as someone knocked at the door loudly.

'Abhi, that's only possible if you remove your hands from over my waist. You're holding me back. And, you're forgetting, I haven't worn anything. Let me at least go put on my gown.', I said.

Knock, knock, knock went the door.

'Who is it ? Which mad servant is coming here and disturbing me ? Don't you have any brains ? Go away, or else, I'll sack you from your job.', Abhi shouted loudly in anger.

'It's me.', said a lady's voice.

'Who me ?', he asked and returned back to me, 'So baby, where was I ? Why don't we start over again ?' He asked me cheekily, grabbing me by my waist with one hand and, toying around with the little curls in my hair, with our noses touching.

'It's your mother ! Open the door, you idiot ! I have to talk to Rukmini.', said the voice again as I giggled.

'Oh God, Abhi, please leave me. Mummy's outside. I need to go. She's calling me.', I whispered trying to resist the temptation of becoming his once again.

'Mummy, 2 minutes. Rukmini's coming. I'll send her to your room. For now, I'm discussing something important with her.', he said as he planted a big kiss on my neck and then a soft one on my lips.

'No, no. It's okay. There's nothing so important. I just wanted to give her the clothes for the haldi-kumkum ceremony. I'm leaving it all outside your room with all the jewelery on it. Well, now you can continue with your discussions. Sorry to disturb you both ! And Rukmini, don't forget, you have to wear a Nauvari and not a Paachvari. It's the family tradition.', she said with a small smirk just before leaving.

(Haldi-Kumkum ceremony = It is like a get together for ladies usually to commemorate some event, Nauvari = nine yards sari, Paachvari = five yards sari)

'So Rukmini ? What are your thoughts on my brilliant idea ? We could just love each other even more ...'

'Yeah, like I have any choice. Given the way you've been holding me at the moment, even if I have no mood of doing anything, you'll force me to.', I said while I blushed.

'Baby, its not like that ... we're newlyweds. People should know that.'

'How ?'

'I'll show you, my najuk bhaooli, please give me the permission.', he said as he began sniffing at my neck.

Uff ... his manly scent could kill me.

And we were done with another round of love making.


'Abhimanyu, put me down ! I'll fall, leave me ...', I squealed as he carried me in his arms, in a bridal style, and got out of the bed.

'Baby, trust me. You won't fall. Your husband, as in Mr Abhimanyu Dadasaheb Deshmukh, as in me, is a body builder. Just look at my muscles. I can't let you fall.', he said.

Oh wait ! I forgot to tell you people, Abhimanyu is 7 years older to me. I am 21 years complete, and he is 28. I know that's a huge age difference, but, its good at the same time, because I've married a man who is completely settled in life. Better than getting married to someone who is still settling.

'Okay, but Abhimanyu, where are you taking me, that too in this state ?', I asked him.

'Why are you calling me that again ? I asked you to call me something else. And to answer your query, dont you have to go for the ceremony ?'

RukminiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon