Chapter 7

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Yayy, 300+ readers !!!!! I'm so happy !!!!! Thanks guys for reading my story. Sorry for the late update, I was busy with my exams.

Love you :*



I woke up as the first few rays of the sun shone on my eyes. I felt tired. I saw a small sticky note on my bedside table.

'Good morning Rukmini !
Baby, don't forget, you have to go with Rajnish to the office. He'll be ready by 10:00 or something. Didn't wake you up since you were really tired and exhausted. And ... don't worry,  I removed all your ornaments and kept them in your box on the dressing table while you were sleeping. I hope you're okay. I know you aren't used to all this "meeting others", but you'll get used to it soon. If you still feel sick, you can ask any servant to get you some medicine. Have a nice day, baby. I love you. Catch up with you later. Bye.

P.S : We have a huge round of love making to complete. So .... tonight, wear what I've kept near the dressing table. Only tonight. We desperately need that romantic getaway ....


Abhimanyu', read the note.

I smiled to myself as I checked out the sari kept on the dressing table. It was beautiful. But something, that I could only wear in our room, not anywhere else.

'Okay, Rukmini, let's go get ready.', I said to myself.


I went down the stairs, into the hall. I found mummy sitting there talking to papa.

'Good morning, mummy - papa.', I said.

'Good morning.', they said.

'Where is dada ?', I asked.

'Which dada ?', papa asked me in a gruff tone.

'Rajnish dada. I had to go with him ...', I began as he interrupted me.

'Yes, you had to go sign the papers. He is in his room. Go there.', he said.

'He wanted some hot milk. Since you're going there, just go take his glass upstairs. Oh, and if you get confused with the directions,  just ask Savitri to show you the way.', said mummy gesturing Savitri, one of the servants to show me the way.

'This is wrong ....', was all I heard mummy whisper to papa as I turned to go.

As we were going, I thought to myself about this whole family.

Abhimanyu has 3 brothers and 1 sister. So in totality, they are 4 brothers and 1 sister.

The oldest sibling is Aniket dada, he is 34 years old. Next in line is, Rajnish dada, who is 32 years old. Third comes, Sameera, she's 30 years old. Then, Abhimanyu, himself, he's 28 years old and the youngest, is Vikramaditya, who is 25 years old.

Well ... I'm younger to all of them. They all are very dominating. All have an amazing height. All the brothers are 6 foot plus and Sameera's 5'8. That's very tall for an Indian lady. Oh, all of them have good looks. The only people I haven't met or seen, are Aniket dada and Vikramaditya,  I guess they're busy with something.

What's odd, is, that none of the brothers are married. It's only Abhi who's just got married to me, and Sameera got married, quite a few years ago, I guess she got married .... 5 years ago. I wanted to speak to her,  but she left just last night to go back to her in-laws' place. Vikramaditya is just 25, so marriage is out of question.

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