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"Madam, you've been quiet since I came back 2hours ago, can you please tell me what transpired between you two- I mean you and Dean you know" Annie asked when she couldn't bear the boredom from my quietness


"Was that for me or maybe we have another roommate"

"That's your answer, nothing!!!"

"Wait, are you kidding me right now, you can't tell me nothing when actually there's something"

"I mean it, nothing happened between us"

"One more nothing from you and I will gladly slap your cheek" said Annie robbing her palm together obviously in preparation of slapping me

"You won't do that, will you?"

"I will and it's gonna be hot, trust me, because I see no reason why you're saying nothing, a guy who you disliked and claimed he's rude came and dragged you away from us and you couldn't retaliate"

"That isn't even all, after close to 30mins of your disappearance, you appeared and refused to explain the matter by giving useless excuses and now you are still refusing, I think you need beating.

Annie sound like my mother, my mother will go to any extent to bring out the truth from your mouth even when you've sworn you won't tell her. This is just same with Annie.

Remembering that incident disgust me. First, he snubbed me, leaving me humiliated in public which I never planned on forgetting and today he did the worst of it all by placing his lips on mine. I feel awkward because it's something I've never done and never thought of doing so.

Thinking of that alone irritates me, I rather kiss a girl.

Did I just said girl? Ewww!!!

I mean another guy, not him.

"Madam, are u here" Annie snapped her fingers across my face

"I'm okay"

"You are not"

"He kissed me" I said tearily

"Just a second, do you mean Dean kissed you" she asked in confirmation


"Wow!!!" She screamed happily

"Babe, you've hit the jackpot, Dean "the ladies man" kissed you and you are sitting here gloomy like you lost your most precious thing" Annie said

Smiles could be seen all round her face, she seems so happy like she was the one kissed by Dean. Dean isn't even a celebrity yet and people are yearning for his touch, I wonder if he becomes one what they would then do.

In Love with Him (Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now