Chapter 14- Whoah, Drama Bomb

Start from the beginning

Roman bit his cheek. He didn't like that Logan was doing this because he was under the impression that if he didn't Roman was gonna run away again or something. But he nodded tiredly. Logan sighed, as if with relief, and picked up his things, before carefully pulling Roman's own bag away from him.

"You don't need to hold my bag Lo, I got it. I'm not weak. I'm not-"

"I didn't say you were weak Roman. You're one of the strongest people I know. I'm simply carrying your bag because it is the polite thing to do. Now, my car is this way. Would you like to say goodbye to Patton?"

Roman stared at his bag in Logan's arms before nodding slowly and turning to Patton, "I'll see you later Pat, bye."

Patton smiled, "Bye kiddo! Feel better soon, okay?"

Roman nodded again and Logan gently led him to the car, with Remus following them from a distance. After putting their things into the backseat, and helping Roman into the car, Logan started the drive to Roman's house. Roman texted his mother and father that he'd be home early, and then messaged Eloise that he couldn't make it to rehearsal before settling down in his seat. 

It was quiet for a little bit, the two could see Remus's legs dangling over the back windshield. But not long passed before a small tiny sob escaped from Roman's throat. Logan gave a quick glance but brought his eyes back to the road quickly, "Roman?"

"He hates me," Roman muttered, bringing his feet onto the seat. Logan looked at him briefly, his father would not be pleased if he saw footprints on the seats, but Logan was sure he could get any stains out before he had to return it. Roman looked much smaller like this, though, from Logan's perspective Roman was small period. Logan was nearly a foot taller than Roman, and even when they were sitting, like they were now, Roman was small.

"He doesn't hate you."

"Yes, he does Logan. Deceit already said that Anxiety knew those words would hurt me. He did it to hurt me."

"You don't know that Roman."

Roman buried his head in his knees, "What do you think I did? He was fine with me the other day, we hung out and played video games. What happened? Did I do something wrong?"

Logan sighed, "I'm... I'm not sure Roman. Maybe you didn't do anything. Maybe you did. I'm not sure. But, I doubt anything you did deserved such words." Logan reached over and squeezed Romans's hand slightly, though his other hand had tightened around the wheel, "You've already told us of your history with bullying. You've told us that when people say things like that, they hurt you. What Anxiety said was mean-spirited and unacceptable. It was wrong. None of what he said was true."

"Is it?" Roman asked, "There's a whole world of people out there, Billions and billions of them. We meet and walk by thousands of them every day, and yet, theres no sign of anybody else being able to see ghosts. Just us three."


"Maybe I am crazy," Roman muttered.

Logan squeezed his hand again, "You're no crazier than I am. Am I crazy to you?"

Roman shook his head, "No."

"Exactly. Not crazy."

"Are you sure?" Roman asked quietly.

"Are you calling me a liar Roman?"

Roman shook his head, "No. Course not. Sorry."

"It's alright," Logan assured, tapping Roman lightly as he pulled the car over, "Alright, we're here. Would you like me to walk you to the door?"

Roman hesitated before nodding slowly, with a small understanding smile, Logan agreed. He let Roman's hand free before walking around the car, taking out Roman's bag, and then allowed Roman to hold his hand hostage again. Logan walked slowly, not wanting to rush Roman inside. Seeing Mrs. and Mr. Garcia's car on the driveway, Logan opted to knock on the door rather than just walk in. When the door opened Logan stuck his free hand out for Roman's mother to shake. "Good afternoon Mrs. Garcia."

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