What do you have to say for yourself?

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You ignored my problems,

That's your fault,

You murdered our friendship,

That's your fault.

You said 'your my best friend!'

Are you sure about that?

You said 'I want this friendship to work!'

Are you sure about that?

See I notice the small things,

How you always talk about your problems instead of asking me about mine,

How you always dismiss when I talk about something serious with a 'aw I'm sorry' or 'it'll be okay'

And how you are slowly changing to a toxic person because of the people you hang out with.

But I guess this isn't all your fault,

It's my fault for coming to talk to you and breaking the friendship even more,

It's my fault I hurt you and it's my fault you won't tell me how,

It's my fault this all happened in the first place right.


Whatever helps you sleep at night.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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