Head in the clouds

9 3 0

You're too distracted,

You never focused,

You don't listen,

I know.

I don't listen because I keep my head in the clouds,

Not below them, not above them, in them,

I keep my head in the clouds to drown out the voices,

Because when I'm distracted  they stay silent.

When I ignore them they go away.

Suddenly I'm on cloud 9,

I'm in my own world where nothing gets out of hand,

But no good things can last forever.

As soon as I get out of those clouds,

As soon as I'm back on the ground,

They come back,

They always come back.

You're not good enough,

They say,

You're a disappointment,

They whisper.

It gets so overwhelming,

I feel like I can't breath,

It's like I'm drowning,

When everyone around me is doing fine.

When my head is out of the clouds,

Life is hell,

I know that one day I'll end it,

But for now?

I'll keep my head in the clouds.

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