The third one

8 4 0

You and dad loved each other so much you decided to have kids.

You had my sister, and she was perfect,

Everything you wanted,

She listened, got good grades.

So you had another one.

You had my brother, and he too was great,

A star student, great at sport,

Perfect family.

So you said 'lets have another'.

But you had me, and I'm not perfect, I'm not great.

My grades aren't good, I don't do sports,

I was broken.

I messed up your perfect family.

So you shut me out.

I was an outcast, I didn't matter.

Slowly it got worse, I got depression,

I was thirteen when I got dad's drinking problem.

You didn't care, as long as they were safe life was great.

I was an obstacle.

I tried to fix myself, be someone you loved.

But I couldn't I was too damaged.

So I ended it.

I just needed a mom, a family, a home.

I don't want that anymore,

I just want it to end.


This is more of a spoken word/free verse.

I got the idea from an extract of a movie/tv show that I found on tik tok i'm not sure exactly where its from though so. If you know could you tell me so I can give them credit for inspiration :).

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