ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #06 :

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" you look dazzling " Sana said as her smile widened .
" from now on you should smile more than usual Hanabi " Hanabi didn't listen to them and examined their looks .

Well... they're gorgeous in their kimonos , indeed .

They stroll around the village ,  holding hands . Hanabi frowned at the idea but Mina said that it is better for them to not lose each other as the street started to get crowded .

" I heard there's a sushi stall up there ! " they followed Sana's finger pointing in a stair .
" the people there were not crowded compared down here " hearing Sana's words they nodded and went up there .

While stepping up in the stair . Hanabi can't stop herself from gazing around . It was too beautiful .  Lamps are present at their every steps , giving light to them .

When they reached the sushi stall , they started eating as if there's no tomorrow , filling their stomachs .

" training is exhausting " Sana blurted when they finished eating . Mina and Hanabi nodded , agreeing in her statement .

" so ? " Hanabi lift a brow at Sana's direction when she felt the girl ninja staring at her teasingly .
" so what ? "

" why did you ran away earlier ? " her brows met at Sana's question .
" earlier what ? "
" duhh we clearly saw you ran away when Kagura kissed Hayabusa " Mina butted in .

Hanabi stiffened .

" w- what ? " she ask , her words stutter

" do you .. perhaps .. like .. Kagura ? " she stared at Sana with a blank expression same as Mina .
" seriously ? " Mina rolled her eyes at Sana's direction .
" well.. it's possible ! I haven't seen Hanabi get along with guys ! t- that's why I thought s- she like girls " Sana pouted .

" shut it ! will ya ? " Hanabi stared at Sana as if she was kind of a weird poop or something .
" argh! you're ruining my mood " Hanabi hastily stood up and started walking away .

She heard their voices calling her name but she didn't bother to look back .

But she kinda feel relaxed now . She really thought earlier that they also noticed her feelings for Hayabusa .

While stepping down in the stair she heard familiar voices . She roamed her eyes at the crowded street below her , her face expression turned cold when she finally found out where they are .

" I told you I am going to get you that gold fish "
" I can't wait to put this in my aquarium at my room " she happily giggled .

Hanabi's chest clenched when Kagura came closer and hug Hayabusa . Hayabusa also wrap his arms at her small form .

Hanabi lift her head up to stop her tears from falling . She closed her eyes and feel the cold breeze .

She held her chest and grip it tightly . There again , the aching of her heart .

I pity you . She told herself in the back of her mind ..

" Hanabi ! " a voice made her open her eyes and turned around to glared at Sana who was running to her direction behind her was Mina .

" we told you to wait up , how can you leave us up there ? "

She glance at Hayabusa and Kagura knowing they heard Sana shouted her name . She shut her eyes hard when she saw Kagura pulling Hayabusa's wrist , walking towards their direction .

" Hanabi ! " she can't feel herself , Hayabusa and Kagura was already standing in front of her .
" What a coincidence ! You two are here too ! " Sana exclaimed cheerfully .

Scarlet FlowerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin