Chapter 130: Time of Evil Encounters

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But yao and humans were alike in that they had little interest in many things after reaching adulthood, one example of which was the vicissitudes of life experienced by the dragon race in the past. He was well aware of the thoughts these dragon clans harbored in their hearts.

"I know..." Zhuang Qing caught sight of a paper man flying into the palace hall and reached out, grabbing a hold of it. The paper man swiftly morphed into ashes at his fingertips.

"What happened?" Fu Li stood up. His originally careless expression had been retracted.

"Song Yu sent a message saying that an urgent case has come up in Linhai City. Two men without any fear of bullets leaped several tens of meters high in front of many people, escaping from the police officers' encirclement. Many ordinary city residents filmed it with their phones." Zhuang Qing spoke to the dragon clans, "I understand your concerns. I already said just now that as long as I remain the chief of the management bureau, I won't turn a blind eye to you."

"Your Majesty..."

"I'm still more used to you calling me Chief Zhuang," Zhuang Qing interrupted Qing Yan. He turned towards Fu Li, "Fu Li, let's go."

Fu Li silently followed after him. Zhuang Qing transformed into a dragon, Fu Li jumped onto the dragon's head and sat down, and in a blink of an eye, the two people flew out of the golden dragon palace. Watching Zhuang Qing leave hastily, the other dragons furrowed their brows.

There was trouble in the human world again?

They didn't think much of it in the past, but only now did they come to realize – why was there so much trouble in the human world?

Linhai City's police officers had already stepped in to clarify that the video of two men in Linhai City leaping several tens of meters in the air was a product of a certain drama crew while filming. But even then, many netizens suspected that these two men possessed supernatural powers and that the police were concealing the truth.

Even several forces abroad had started to keep tabs on this matter.

When Fu Li and Zhuang Qing rushed to the Disease Prevention Branch, there were many people crowding outside and watching the excitement. Although nothing could be seen by running over to the Disease Prevention Branch at this juncture, this had no effect on their passion for gossiping. Fu Li overheard a few conversations; the rumor had already transformed into two men turning into birds and flying off.

The two of them directly made their way to Linhai City's Public Security Bureau and watched the surveillance footage taken from the Disease Prevention Branch. The two suspects had very ordinary looks and for whatever reason, didn't enter the vaccination room despite nearing it. But from the way the two people moved, they definitely hadn't gone to the Disease Prevention Branch to receive an injection or pick up children.

"Comrades, this is the bullet and bullet shell that hit the suspect's thigh," The Public Security Bureau offered the evidence bag to Zhuang Qing. Zhuang Qing wasn't wearing gloves and didn't touch the evidence, but there was an indent on the head of the bullet that was visible to the naked eye.

"Were these two people's traces discovered by other surveillance systems?" Zhuang Qing looked at the densely packed surveillance points on the wall and couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

"No discoveries at the moment."

"Got it," Zhuang Qing nodded. "It's been hard on you, we'll search for evidence elsewhere."

After leaving the Public Security Bureau, Zhuang Qing pulled Fu Li towards the car. He took out a small bowl from the icebox and poured water into the bowl. As the Aquatic Emperor, he could maneuver the spiritual qi in all water bodies and search for the two yao cultivators of unclear origin according to their water trails.

At a riverbank where water flowed rapidly, Hundun told Fei, who had changed back to his original form, "This is your last chance. If the plagues have no effect on humans, I'll eat you in one mouth."

"King, please rest at ease. With this plague, the humans will not be able to die even if they plead for it," Fei let out a long hiss towards the sky. His snake-like tail suddenly swelled. Just as he was about to fling his tail into the water, Hundun abruptly slammed a palm towards the water. "Who is peeping at this king?"

An enormous splash of water landed on Fei. Before he could even spit out the water in his mouth, he was sent flying a good few meters by something that leaped out of the water abruptly.

Fei's body smashed into the ground, creating a deep pit. His lengthened tail was retracted amidst the intense pain.

Hundun wasn't in a much better state than Fei. He evaded the attack while cutting a sorry figure, laughing coldly upon seeing the golden dragon whose head had emerged from the water. "This king was wondering what it was, turns out there's a worm in the water."

Fu Li jumped onto shore and shook the water off his body. He stamped a foot on Fei. "Single eyed, body of an ox, tail of a snake – you are the fiend Fei?"

"What are you?" With the tiny strange creature that resembled both a dog and a rabbit stomping on him, Fei couldn't even muster the strength to climb up from where he lay collapsed in the pit. He stared at Fu Li in disbelief, as if he was looking at a monster.

"And what are you?" Fu Li jumped a few times on Fei, who felt like he was being viciously pounded several times by a huge mountain. The vision in both his eyes dimmed, and his organs felt like they had all shifted locations.

Hundun glanced at Fei before suddenly roaring at the golden dragon, "Scram, you have no business here."

The golden dragon flipped over in the river water. Under the shine of the setting sun, the golden dragon's tail emanated a dazzling light.

Hundun saw the glittering golden light of virtue and thick purple qi on the dragon. "The dragon of national fate..."

The setting of the sun in the west was also the time of evil encounters, when golden light filled the sky. But in the western horizon, black clouds were churning, as if something hidden in the clouds was on the cusp of breaking through.

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