13. Blackbox

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Preview – Fears of the unknown.

<Celestial Bodies>

SH: I like the carving on the stone in the shower, what does it mean? JK: I imported it from Italy. It means "Through the alignment of celestial bodies brings miraculous phenomenon." SH: Don't tell me it was from an ancient Roman bathhouse? 

JK: How did you guess? SH: You can say I'm into art? Don't you think it's referring to us? JK: Us? What like we're fated to do great things together? SH: More like you're among legends, don't fight it, it's earth-shattering. JK: WTH <giggles> 

SH: We're both guys, so it's okay. JK: Wait, are you referring to showering together? Why? Are you scared? SH: Why? Do I need another reason? JK: This is not the House of Gucci. SH: Oh, you built an empire, but you're surrounded by nerds and sharks. JK: What's wrong with that? SH: They lack style and loyalty, it's time to take out the trash. JK: But they're family. SH: Fashion matters. JK: Says the naked person with Gucci boxers.

JK: It still doesn't explain why we woke up naked in a strange place. SH: You don't think our chemistry just disintegrates our garments. JK: That doesn't explain why our boxers were still intact. SH: That's just your perception, we're actually fully naked. JK: <giggles>. SH: Do you recall what boxers I was wearing? 

JK: How would I know your collection, I'm not a perv. SH: Don't you do the laundry? JK: Yes, but it's not because I'm a perv. SH: For a nerd, you have a pretty good fashion sense? JK: Really, I got these vintage Versace pants at a discount for 30% off. SH: Oh, I think it would look better 100% off. JK: <shook>

JK: Anyway, there must be a  more rational reason. SH: Like what? JK: Like maybe we're both doing it unconsciously because our chemistry generates a lot of heat, and we both are removing our clothes because we're hot without knowing it.

SH: Oh, you're right, it's because you got the hots for me, and you're undressing us at night. Mystery solved. JK: <blushing> No, F* No. That's not what I said. And it's the other way around.


SH: By the way, I'm out of towels.

<SH goes to shower. 20 mins later, JK returns to SH bedroom with fresh new fluffy towels he shaped into hotel bunnies. SH comes out naked, which always shocks JK, who then hides in the closet. SH looks around for towels, wondering where JK might have left them. SH tries to open the closet, but JK is holding it from being opened. SH thought this was strange and uses more force. Suddenly, JK pops out and falls over onto SH. Both on the floor, with JK on top. JK screams, gets up, and runs out.>

SH: D* JK. JK: Sorry, Sorry, I didn't see anything. SH: Kids these days can't appreciate art. <SH gets dressed and comes out.>

SH: So did you enjoy yourself? JK: What do you mean? SH: I mean did you cop a feel at my expense earlier. JK: No, F* No. That was an accident. I got you fresh towels. SH: Wait what? Did you say fresh meat? JK: Towels. SH: If I knew you were into that kind of stuff, I could have done a little dance for you. 

JK: STFU. That's not funny. SH: Aren't you a little too uptight about the naked body? JK: Aren't you a little too liberal about yours? SH: No, not when you have one. JK: Oh, are you saying I don't? SH: Why else would you be so paranoid about needing to cover it up. Aren't you the master of your own domain? King of the hills. No one should be telling you what you can and can't do in the privacy of your own home.

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