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Nereus stirred in his bed. Like most nights, the Erlking woke with burning pain on his cheek. The memory of his dream leapt from his memory, but whatever it was about ignited the holy fire. Nereus grimaced, more from anger than pain. The thought of the angel judging him from afar made his blood boil. And he refused to let it influence his decisions, for doing so would feel like a defeat to him unlike any he had suffered before.

Nereus slipped out from beneath the sheets woven from the softest dogwood seeds his men could find. He sat on the edge of the bed, head hung, while he waited for the pain to pass. The glow from the handprint on his cheek illuminated the room. As he cleared his mind the light dimmed to the level of candlelight. The pain was still there, but manageable.

In a move that was now routine, Nereus slid out of bed and dawned his blue and silver robes and leather mask. He commonly would walk the halls of the castle at night till he could attempt sleep once again. But tonight his thoughts drew him somewhere different. He walked barefoot down the cold spiral stairs to the dungeon, where he could talk to his once loyal Captain.


Rampart stood in front of the cell of his mentor and friend. Beyond the steel bars Ozil hung, arms chained to the wall. His roach like wings cuffed to his body. Black grime smeared over his cheeks and long pointy ears. Even in such a vulnerable state, the captain still looked strong. His head bowed forward with his bright orange eyes closed, but Rampart didn't sense any break in the fae. In fact, he wouldn't have been surprised if Ozil sprung up from his kneeling position to free himself at any moment.

Aldul stood beside Rampart. Since they were in the Gray he took his physical form. Green skin with shimmering gold symbols decorating his cheeks and neck. "The cuffs might be a problem," he said. "I don't believe I can phase him into the Gray without taking them too."

"Hmm," Rampart walked in front of the sleeping guard. Everything outside the Gray had no color and appeared to them as black and white. "I could try to sneak his keys," he said. "I'm sure one of them would open the lock."

"Do you think you could do it without waking him?," Aldul asked. "I'd rather like to avoid turning this into some kind of prison riot."

Rampart laughed. "Actually, that sounds like quite a bit of fun. But yes, I can be sneaky when I need to be." He pointed to his leathery silver wings. "I do have imp blood coursing through my veins after all."

"Very well, I'll pull back the veil and let you out, I'll keep it open so if there's any sign you are detected you can hop back in."

Rampart nodded and crouched down behind the guard. "Got it. Ready when you are."

Aldul nodded and pulled back the veil. Rampart snuck through and color retuned to the world, what little there was in the dark, damp prison. He tip toed next to the guard. The skeleton keys hung on his belt; their ring attached by a leather strap. With delicate fingers, Rampart unhooked the strap while supporting the keys to keep them from jingling. The guard breathed heavily in his sleep but didn't stir. With a few small steps back, Rampart slipped back into the Gray, and Aldul shut the breach.

"Well done," Aldul said with a smile. "If anything of mine goes missing, I know who I'm questioning first."

Rampart spun the key ring on his index finger. "Sleeping inept guard, kids' stuff." He stepped through the steel bars like they were pillars of smoke. "The real trick is figuring out which one of these ten keys go to the cuffs and getting Ozil into The Gray without making noise." He started flipping through the ring. "Some of these are obviously cell door keys, but there's still five that could be it. Guess we'll just have to pop in there and do a little trial and error." H turned towards his companion, but the jinn's attention was towards the dungeon staircase.

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