Where's Nolan?

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"You shouldn't be helping her up, she has a head injury!" Eyes turned to the Doctor as he launched into a standing position and moved towards Rey.

Noah blinked back at the Doctor for a second before finding his own response. This response was never heard.

"Well, it's either help me or watch me struggle," Rey interjected, standing mostly on her own two feet, "cos I was gettin' up either way mate."

"Ugh, why did you say mate?" Rey looked down eyebrows furrowed, and although she was speaking to herself she most certainly had an audience. "No, not mate, Dad said never mate."

Half listening to the drawl of voices and the specific sounds of an injured girl, Lyra turned to the door in the corridor. To the left of the heavy metal door was, what Lyra assumed was, an equally heavy sign. It was a maintenance room. A maintenance room named "Sandshoes" to be exact. Why on Kolia was it named Sandshoes? Lyra resolved to ask... Or wait until Noah asked.

Lyra glanced her gaze back at the Doctor who was meticulously helping a girl who looked like she didn't actually need that much help but was accepting it anyway to appease an old man. It was exactly what it looked like. The Doctor still had his glasses on the rims of which framed his face very nicely. From how he was positioned sideways on facing Rey, Lyra had a good view of his side profile. How could one face look so fascinating from so many angles?

Noah snorted. Then so did Rose.

Lyra snapped round staring back at the metal door. Noah's eyes were on her as he made a move towards her.

Lyra tried the door as though she'd been doing this line of investigation the whole time, and in her mind she had but Noah's was a whole different story. Her pathetically distracted tug did nothing to the door as it stood stubbornly in her way.

"Need any help?" His voice reached her as he took the door opening duties from her and Rose looked on.

Before he could even start attempting to open the door he got distracted.

"Why Sandshoes?"

"What?" Rose blurted out in bewilderment.

Meadows looked across at him unphased, "Lost a bet, had to let Adolan name the maintenance rooms."

"Oh, okay," Noah replied accepting the answer. Somehow losing a bet was probably the most normal thing about this entire situation. At least, even in however many years it had been, people were still people.

Noah tugged on the door with moderate strength and when that did nothing he yanked with, although he wouldn't admit it, a considerable amount of his strength going to nothing.

"I couldn't open it either." Meadows' voice sounded out from where she had also been watching them, any other chatter had drawn to a close as they watched the door hold strong. "But it is definitely a pull. They all are from the corridors."

Noah gave one more almighty yank before the reaction happened. The reaction was Rose's muffled laughter which earned a glare from Meadows and a smirk from Rey.

"Are you quite done?" Lyra asked, eyebrow skillfully raised. She moved in front of the door again, tilted her head to the side accessing the factors before kicking the door with an astounding thud.

Streaks of Starlight || Doctor Who [ON HOLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora