Where's Nolan?

372 15 167

published: 19/12/21 | words: 2800 | status: unedited


-ˋˏ Where's Nolan? ˎˊ-


Sweat oozed from their skin as they rushed toward the source of the shrill scream. It dwelled in little droplets which dotted their foreheads in abundance like dew to grass, occasionally rolling from one crevice on any given canvas of skin to another. The panicked scream resembled a yelp in that it didn't last very long and that it was mingled with surprise, however, it didn't end like a yelp - with an air of relief of the person found a fair less scary reality than the one they had thought - this one ended abruptly. The least reassuring of ends. The corridors seemed to be winding, growing ever longer as they tried to get to the dilemma with the haste of parents to a rampaging toddler.

As soon as Lyra turned the corner, with Rose just behind her and their idiots just in front, her blurry vision honed in on the body lying on the floor. Worry struck her nerves as she reached forward for the person but stopped herself as she saw two half-closed eyes blinking up at Noah and the Doctor already who were either side of the young woman. If she knew anything about waking up surrounded by loads of strange people, which she did, it was that it was not the most pleasant of surprises, like feeling you were under the microscope with several eager scientists breathing down your neck inspecting your every breath, although she couldn't shake her urge to dote. The redhead with the nice glasses arrived shortly after, although Lyra could bring herself to look away from the nasty gash which was oozing lazily from Adams' head. She had sat up now, and judging by the taken back look on the Doctor's face, it had been without his permission, although Noah was sitting down with her now and was taking the situation much more in his stride. His hand rubbed soothing circles on her back as his other arm steadied her, the Doctor attempting to do the same. 

After a moment's or two of taking in the situation, Meadows reentered the room (Lyra was only aware it was a reenter as she has come from a different direction) moving brashly past Rose and Lyra, situating herself next to her trooper, dislodging Noah from her side. 

"Where's Nolan, Adams?" Her voice came out surprisingly level, Lyra assumed experience had given her the appearance of being level headed.

The recipient of the questions blinked up at Meadows for a few seconds before her mouth began to move, "I, I don't..."

"Rey, where is Melody?" The leader reiterated, glancing around.

"I don't, there was, and I don't" Her thoughts tumbled out without a coherent path.

"Where is she?" Meadows' pressed on further, glancing around again.

"Okay I think that's enough, evidently she can't remember so back off a little would you?" Noah's voice sounded, causing the woman to move further back.

"It's just not loaded yet, I don't know." Adams, or Rey as it was, looked up then into three faces, her eyes adjusting in recognition.

"That's alright." Lyra reassured, feeling obligated to input at least something, "I find that my memory's a little bit hazy sometimes too."

"Sorry I snapped, got a lot on my plate," Meadows muttered, standing up from Rey as Noah helped the injured woman to her own feet.

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