The Idiot's Lantern - Part 2

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published: 31/05/21 | words: 3100  | status: unedited


-ˋˏIdiot's Lantern - 2ˎˊ-


Blissfully unaware of the happenings to their fellow traveller the remaining three had begun to look around the street in more depth than they had previously been able to - bar Noah who had obviously done his fair share of sleuthing and although he hadn't returned entirely empty handed he was still much more confused than before.

He watched on as the Doctor began to lead Rose up one of the pathways to a house and he trailed behind before inputting. "I've already asked at this house. Don't think they'll be too happy to see me."

"You have?" The Doctor asked as though he were surprised.

"I'm not just a pretty face you know." Noah answered him practically rolling his eyes out of his head. "And unlike some, I can function without a babysitter. You're like an over excited toddler dragging Rose everywhere after you." He jabbed, in jest, at the Doctor who adorned a mock offended face which spoke more than his words could.

"He's right you know." Rose giggled which turned into a laugh at his expression when he turned to her. "A very lovable excited toddler."

"Oi!" The Doctor exclaimed holding his hand to his chest. "Anyway, what houses haven't you been to then Noah?"

Noah looked back at the few houses on the row he hadn't already get himself banned from for asking questions. "The two next to this one. You almost picked the right house. Just like how you almost drive the Tardis correctly." Noah answered smirking a cheeky smile, whatever mood he was in today he was well and truly roasting the Doctor.

Rose's muffled chuckles only made Noah's smile widen further and the Doctor to feel more attacked by the whole situation.

"I'll have you know; I drive brilliantly." The Doctor protested whilst Noah led their way to the next house over.

"Sure, you do." Rose scoffed lightly patting him on the back as he muttered to himself and she moved forward to walk next to Noah.

"Did they say anything?" The Doctor asked.

"Nothing useful really, they all just slam the door on me." Noah answered slightly dejectedly. Was there just something about him? "I've been having more luck with children. They seem more willing to share."

"But they still said nothing?" Rose asked as they stood in front of the door.

"Nope. Their parents keep stopping them." Noah answered before he reached up to the door and knocked from beside Rose.

A few moments later a door opened, and a large grumpy looking man looked upon the three.

Noah, Rose, and the Doctor had replaced their contemplative expressions with large grins.

"Hi!" They all managed to smile out in unison.

"Who are you then?" The grumpy man demanded of them obviously displeased by their presence.

Streaks of Starlight || Doctor Who [ON HOLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora