News for You

558 21 268

published: 28/7/21 | words: 4980 |status: unedited

[Idiot's Lantern - 5]


-ˋˏNews for Youˎˊ-


The throbbing of her head was all Lyra could feel at first, she didn't know why she'd done it. Oh Rassilon, why had she done it? The pain was drumming in her head but it wasn't alone anymore, she could feel the wind shooting past her body, through her finger tips, passing her face biting at her skin, the tight curls on her head whipping at her shoulders and her face. She was falling. A voice echoed at the front of her mind but it didn't stop her descent. The fear in her stomach skyrocketed, what would they think? How would she explain this? What would she do? She wasn't scared of falling, it was the aftermath that petrified her. As her eyes fluttered open she could have sworn she saw a familiar scene, one she might have recognised, but the image was blurred and the pain increased tenfold until she closed her eyes again, plummeting in two senses of the word. Plummeting into the confinement of her mind in an array of colours, orange like the sky, red like her blood, and eventually golden yellow like the blazing stars, or the burning sensation of change. And then plummeting down, falling quite literally, until, as she always would eventually, she reached the bottom.

Her body flew upright as her senses were flooded with the nonsense of the real world. The rough wood of the floor scratched at her hands irritably yet left no marks as she pushed herself leaning over her legs. The blood rushing from her head causing her to feel faint only caused her to become painfully aware of the ache stubbornly sitting at the back of her mind as her awareness drained back in.


There was a hand on her knee; the Doctor was squatted down in front of her. Tommy stood gazing down at the both of them looking rather worried, which Lyra supposed was understandable. Oh, they really needed to get going. She looked towards the Doctor once more.

"Are you alright?" He asked hurriedly.

Do I look like- "No." She answered deadpanning and stopping whatever was going on in her mind. "But I'm functioning."

"Come on." He said, having stood up, offering his hand to her.

"Thanks," Lyra said, accepting his help off of the floor, "Are you?"

"Sorry?" The Doctor asked, having pulled her up off the floor and into him before moving hastily to the door.

"Are you alright?" She asked as herself and Tommy had begun to move towards the exit after the Doctor.

"Oh, yes." He answered, moving into the street looking wildly around. "Always am."

Lyra was not convinced, it all just sounded like words with no meaning. The voice in her head was practically screaming 'lies', Gollum style.

"Where's Magpie?" The Doctor frustratedly exclaimed.

There was no sign of him outside or inside the shop, nor the hungry Wire lady.

"We don't even know where to start looking." Tommy told them, looking rather deflated. "It's too late."

"The sky hasn't fallen yet." Lyra stated, looking down the roads. "Nor have we suffocated in the depths of space."

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