My New Bodyguard #1

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"Ugh Dad! Where the heck is he? I won't wait for more than 10 minutes. I'm telling you!" Y/n yelled on the phone and hung up. She started walking back and forth on the bridge impatiently. Meanwhile, her two bodyguards were busy chit-chatting with each other.
A minute later, they heard a gunshot but didn't pay any attention to it. But, it didn't stop there. Sooner, sounds of gunshots began to come closer. Y/n haulted on her steps. She looked here and there. Her bodyguards were nowhere to be seen. She panicked a bit.
Suddenly, she heard a familiar sound yelling in pain. She recognized it. She's right. It's her bodyguard. She turned around shivering a bit. As soon as she turned, she saw both of them lying on the ground, bleeding continuously. A moan of panic escaped from her mouth.
The very next moment, she heard deep footsteps approaching her. She never dared to look up to the person. But then, sound of footsteps was nowhere to be heard. She sighed in relief and looked up.
??:"Hello, Miss Y/n. I'm Kim Taehyung. Your new bodyguard. Don't worry. All this is done by me.. I wanted to check the level of security you've. And surprisingly, it's too poor to be talked about."
He smiled a bit.
Y/n just scoffed in disbelief.
Y/n:"Yah! Are you mad? I was literally about to get a panic attack because of you." She said gritting her teeth.
Taehyung:"Sorry Miss Y/n, but it's necessary to check your security. After all, I need to keep you safe from now on." He said calmly.
Y/n:"Security, my butt! I almost got killed. Aishhhhh!"
She said and began to walk away from him. But stopped and said "Just take them to hospital atleast."
Taehyung:"Yes. I already called my co-workers. They might be coming soon to take them for treatment. And yeah, you need to come with me to Kim's Mansion. Your dad is waiting for us."
Y/n:"What? Why'd I go with you? No! I won't."
Taehyung:"Miss Y/n, it's Sir's order and I need to follow it at all costs. Please cooperate."
After arguing for 5 long minutes, y/n finally agreed to go with him. He walked her to the car and asked driver to directly take them to Kim's Mansion. Y/n just sat like a statue at the backseat and looked out of the window.
Y/N's Pov
Yeah, it's pissing you off that your father is again appointing a bodyguard to tail you. Not tailing you exactly but to keep a check on you. Actually, you've been stalked by some mysterious men lately. But you are a girl who never cares about unnecessary things. Yeah it's unnecessary for you. You want to live your life to the fullest. You don't want anyone's interference. And this nature of yours is not accepted to your dad. He is although a very nice, kind and humble human but still a bit Orthodox. He doesn't let you party or hangout with your friends. He's overprotective. And that's what you hate in him the most. But still, you love him the most, more than your younger brother. Your dad is a very famous and rich businessman. So obviously, he has rivals which is a nuisance to you. Because his rivals threaten him in your name. His rivals have left stalkers behind you. You are a carefree soul, so obviously you never give a f**k to those people. But being a dad, he cares about you a lot. Although he cares, but he even scolds you badly at times that is never tolerant to you. You're such a soft hearted person. You never open up your feelings in front of anyone. You are just waiting for someone who'll make you feel loved. Yeah, your family loves you but the way they do, you never feel exactly loved. It feels like they are just fulfilling their responsibility. Feeding you, buying you clothes, taking you on trips but never showing you affection.
These things were all roaming in your head and you didn't even notice when did you reach your Kim's Mansion..
Taehyung:"Miss Y/n! Hello?"
He swayed his hand in front of you and that's when you came back to reality. You were actually zoning out.
Taehyung:"C'mon Miss Y/n, let's go. Sir is waiting for us." He said without any expression.
You nodded in agreement and came out of the car. Not wanting to have any sort of conversation with him, you just started walking ahead of him, at a very fast pace. That's when you didn't even notice that you're waling on the edge of the pool. You took one more step and then..


"Aaaahhhhhhhhhhh!" You screamed on top of your lungs. Taehyung's eyes widened. He internally smirked at you but soon he saw you struggling to come up but at the end you began to drown. You didn't scream again. Your eyes felt heavy. It all got black. You felt peace and we're going down.
But suddenly, a muscular arm wrapped around your tiny waist which made your eyes open. You came back to your senses again. Yeah, it's Taehyung. He hugged your body and took you out of the pool but as soon as you came out, you collapsed in his arms. He immediately laid you down and patted your cheeks. In a minute or two, you gradually opened your eyes and the first thing you saw was his sacred as f**k face. He sighed in relief.
Taehyung:"Thank God Miss Y/n, you're safe."
He didn't smile but said this in a very soothing voice. He forwarded his hand in your direction to help you stand up. You were about to grab his hand but he pulled his hand back. You looked up at him and there he's smirking.
Taehyung:"I think, You're good enough to stand up on your own."
You just internally cursed him for this action and stood up while groaning in a little pain.
Y/n:"Fine. I never asked for your help. Did I?"
You took just two steps ahead and that's when you felt two muscular arms wrapping around your waist. You flinched. The person put his chin on your shoulder and spoke,
"Miss Y/n, did you forget that you fell in the pool just now? You are all drenched in water and you know what, everything is visible."
With that, Taehyung removed the black lavish coat he's wearing and made you wear it. You realised his words after he walked off.
You mentally slapped yourself for this and yelled...
"Yah! Kim Pervert Taehyung, you could have told me earlier.! Just wait and watch, I'll not spare you."
Your cheeks turned crimson red nonchalantly. And as you took steps ahead, you prepared yourself for something disastrous. You're planning something. You know it'd be shocking for your parents but yeah, you've made up your mind. That's when, you began to pace up your walking speed and entered inside the mansion.


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