CHAPTER THIRTY TWO: What Are the Odds?

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"I'm dying."

"You've been saying that for the last two days. Either stop complaining or die faster." Ace responded jokingly, pulling the brim of the hat he had leant me down over my eyes.

"I choose the latter. I can't deal with this heat, Ace. It's not in my biological make-up." I groaned, unblinding myself and trudging after him through the dusty street.

Alabasta was hot. Obviously, considering it was a giant desert, but that didn't make it any less horrific. The fact that I had to cover myself in so much fabric to avoid getting burnt was getting to me. I longed for nothing more than to strip to the bone and lay myself down to be reabsorbed into the earth.

"You can deal with my heat just fine." Ace pointed out, slowing his pace so I could catch up.
"Your heat isn't dry heat. It's completely different. Let me vent, man." I grabbed hold of his poncho so I wouldn't drop behind again, but he quickly pulled my hand off so he could twine our fingers together.

"I love you, but that doesn't mean I'm about to put up with you complaining every five minutes." Ace scanned the street for a few moments before approaching an older couple, bowing his head and offering them a kindly smile. "Sorry to be a bother, but you wouldn't happen to know where I can find a man named Scorpion, would you?"

"No, sorry, young man." The elder woman apologised, bowing her head in return. I was honestly blown away by the fact that nobody had recognised Ace yet, considering his reputation as a highly wanted man. It was convenient, but shocking.

I pushed myself to keep up with my husband's pace, swallowing back any whines or complaints so I wouldn't piss him off. The last thing we needed was an argument. Married or not, we still butted heads.

"So, do you really think the rumours are true? That Luffy might be here in Alabasta?" I questioned, resisting a little as he began leading me towards a restaurant.
"I hope so. If he is, he definitely hasn't been in this town yet, at least. It's too calm."

Yep. You've got a point.

Once I realised that Ace was without a doubt intending on a dine and dash, because we had absolutely no money, I dug my heels into the dirt, refusing to go any further.
"Nope. Count me out. You can stuff your face and get hunted down all you like, but I don't want to get into any trouble here."

Keeping hold of my hand, Ace stopped and turned to face me fully, a pout puckering his chapped lips.
"We haven't eaten since yesterday. I know you don't want to draw attention, but food is kind of majorly important."

He was right, but I couldn't help but pity the Alabastan people around us. Poverty was apparent, and the thought of cheating them out of anything didn't sit right with me.

"If you're so worried, then bring back a doggy bag. I'm gonna go ask around to see if anybody knows about that Scorpion guy." I went to release his hand, but he dragged me straight back, flush into his chest before pressing a quick kiss to my lips.

There was that smile I adored, close and all mine.
"I love you. Don't stray too far." With a wink, he let me go, almost jogging towards the entrance to the restaurant.
"Love you too, you dork!" I called after him, rolling my eyes as I headed over to the nearest shop. I had never seen such a collection of rugs in my life, but they all seemed rather dusty and frayed. Antique, if I were to be polite about it. Still pretty, though. 

Out from a cluster of carpets waddled a leathery man, teeth snaggled past his lips, smiling kindly. 
"Welcome, welcome!" He greeted cheerfully, wheezing past a half-cough that rattled his frail body. "How can I be of assistance today, young lady?! Got a brand new shipment in just yesterday!" Waving off his sales pitch as politely as I could, I clasped my hands together at my front. 

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