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Like the piece of shit I was, I avoided Ace over the following days.

It was hazy, but I remembered what had happened in his room, and if I hadn't woken up, tangled in his sheets with a splitting migraine, I would have brushed it off as some kind of dream.

But alas, I knew it had happened, and despite my feelings becoming clearer, somehow it made things harder. Even though I had decided upon leaving Doflamingo in my past, a poisoned part of me still felt like I was a traitor.

Even when we docked at the next island, I made sure to stick as close to Thatch as possible so I wouldn't be left with any chance of being partnered with the poor guy. I felt awful, but I wasn't ready.

"Okay, you've been my personal limpet all day, what's going on?" Thatch quirked a brow as I followed close behind him, returning from the nearby town carrying one of the many bags of ingredients we had purchased.
"Hmm? Oh, nothing's going on. Just trying to ass-kiss my way back into that sexy little kitchen of yours."

Even though I couldn't see it from where I was, I could tell Thatch rolled his eyes.
"Not happening, even if you're my favourite little pipsqueak. Come on, spill it. It's about Ace, right?"

I should be surprised, but it's pretty obvious.

Jogging to move to his side, I held the bag of food I was carrying close to my chest, looking up towards the sky as it began to rumble.
"I just...I'm not good at making decisions like this. My whole life I've been told what to do, and what's expected of me. I'm still not used to this whole free-will thing, and he makes it harder..."

Nodding along, Thatch took in everything I said. He was an incredible listener, and I was sure he had many secrets stored in that magnificent pompadour of his.
"I can't say that I understand your situation, because I haven't lived your life, but let me offer you some advice. If it feels right, and doesn't cause harm, then do it. But when I say that, I don't mean break into my kitchen and mangle my vegetables. That would cause me great harm."

I couldn't help but chuckle at that last part, but whilst his point was understood, my mind wandered to one person that would get hurt by my decision. I knew I shouldn't have cared how Doflamingo would feel, but it was ingrained into me, both mentally and physically thanks to his jolly roger, permanently branded to the nape of my neck.

"Okay, hear me out...what if I just slightly maimed your fruit instead? Just a little?" I teased, and Thatch turned to narrow his eyes in warning.
"Listen, maybe one day if I decide to make jam, but-" He paused, and I flinched when he suddenly snapped his fingers. "Crap! I forgot to get plums to make Pops' favourite preserve! Do me a favour and dash back to get them for me?"

It wasn't like Thatch to forget a single item on his shopping list, but I didn't think anything of it, nodding as he took the bag from my hands.
"Sure, I'll meet you back at the Moby." I gave him a quick salute before I raced back the way we had came from, making sure I had enough berries in my coin purse.

It'll be fine as long as I can get back before this storm hits!

Back in the store, I collected a large bag of plums, almost starting an argument with the store owner when he tried to give me a discount. I was too used to being given special treatment back in Dressrosa, and I wasn't about to start a fresh streak now.

Once I began heading back, I knew it was a race against time. The sky had fallen into a tragic state of depression, having passed the first stage of grief already, now beginning the second - anger.

Back in my childhood, Corazon had told me that storms were akin to those five stages of grief. His explanation didn't make much sense to me back then, nor did it now, but I always thought about it. It had probably just been a way to distract me from my fears.

PELAGIC - Ace x Reader x LawDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora