HTSCF CH 034 Distance never made me stronger...

Start from the beginning

No class used their body to attack, so who knew that the last boss's weakness was physical attacks? What should have taken a minute or two and a bunch of healing was finished in a matter of a few seconds.

"... Wow." Someone muttered, speaking for everyone there. The healer, who was still recording, went over to check Jun's drops, believing they ought to be good since he had finished the boss in such a strange way. Little did she know there was only disappointment waiting for her.

Twig, branch, leaf, twig...

What sort of drops were these!? Not only were they worth maybe a bronze coin at most if anything, but none of it was usable, much less useful. Never had she seen such drops, which were even worse than what new players received. It was so sad, so pitiful and the bemused expression on Jun's face was so funny and charming, she burst out laughing. Jun didn't mind, having grown used to it.

Oriana leaned over and whispered to the healer, "His luck is -250."

"How is that even possible?"

"Check his player stats and look at what his route is."

"What else can it be but Demon or Saint? You might as well just tell me—"

Half an hour later an updated post under the thread "Pretty boy Archer" quickly became the latest hot topic on the official ADAS forum, but by then Jun had already logged off. Thinking of the plot of this world, he was jealous of Li Jie. MMORPGs just weren't fun without a partner, even if it was just an online lover.

However listless he may have felt, he still had to go to the supermarket to buy some food ingredients and other necessities. There was nothing left in the tiny fridge again. Would picking up some milk tea on the way home help his mood?

Thinking so, he gathered up his cellphone and sling backpack to leave. The world he was in was a little more advanced than any previous modern one, and most things could be easily delivered directly to home by robots, but Jun still preferred to go get his things himself.

I'm any case, if he hadn't, he wouldn't have been greeted by the sight of the man standing at his door when he pushed it open, directly into...

"... Hss!" Another man was standing on the side rubbing his red nose, and Jun winced apologetically. Had he known someone was right outside, he might have not opened his front door with such gusto.

The first man, the unharmed one, had neat silver hair, a healthy tan, and those familiar crimson red eyes. He was wearing a form-fitting gray suit. He held out a business card. "I am—"

Jun knew who the man was. How could he not? 15 years he hadn't seen him, and he found himself unable to contain his joy and happily hugged the man. "Azel, you're here."

Instinctively, the man wrapped his arms around the youth and rested his chin on his shoulder, and didn't question the nickname. It sounded just right. "I'm here."

Not to be outdone or left out, the other man, the one dressed in a dark suit with neat golden hair, golden eyes, and an equally healthy tan if not a shade darker, also embraced the youth. "I'm here too..." He hesitated for a single second. "Baby."

Jun laughed and stroked the other man's cheek with curved eyes. "Eli."

What followed was the two men reluctantly letting go to present their business cards to Jun, who looked them over with a raised eyebrow. At the sight of their names, he felt a bit nostalgic.

Azazel Schwarz
Monsoon Entertainment, Inc.

Elior Renaud
Chief Executive Officer
Monsoon Entertainment, Inc.

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