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"Jane,Jane, JANE" Julia was yelling behind me

"What?" I asked as spinned on my heels and faced her

"Can we have my baby shower?" she asked

"Your what?" I asked her looking at her dumbfound

"Baby shower the ceremony were people gift baby necessity-" she started explaining

"I know what a baby shower is and no such ceremony will be held in my house" I said and started walking again

"Please" she followed me


"Please Jane"

"A no mean no Julia. I don't want any of these ceremonies in my house now. I need to work on the threats" I said stopping and turning to face her

"Please Jane I never asked for something so dearly. I want it for Gio" she pleaded

"He's not even born yet, he doesn't care" I replied

"Jane plea-"

"Are you planning to follow me to the dungeon?" I asked

"I mean if I can convince you yeah" she said

"You cannot and I suggest you go rest. The dungeon will be a bad effect on the baby and you" I said

"No" she said

"It's an order Miss Labrant" I ordered

"Ugh I hate you" she muttered and walked back. Won't it be bad for you and your baby too Mrs. Hernandez. Aren't you pregnant too? Then why are you stressing yourself to the core? I need to work, I'm a don. I protect my people not the other way around.


"Why are you here again? You're worse than Tyson and Christopher honestly"

"At least you didn't compare me to your filthy husband and son thank lord" I said undoing the lock

"Why am I suddenly worse Linda?"

"You bought your mother down here to torture"

"That's not your business, the only prisoner I tortured was your husband. I talked with my mother down here because a betrayer is a betrayer, we received threats about you therefore we will shift you-"

"Wait" Keith walked in

"Walker, what did I say about interrupting me?" I groaned

"Sorry boss, I need to talk to Jane" he said

"What?" I asked

"I think we should shift Mia and Allen here?" he asked

"Why?" I asked

"If something happens to them, I'm too far to reach in time. They have zero security" he said

"Fine" I said and dismissed him

"My brother ruined my plan. I hope you like quesadillas" I told Linda and she looked at me confused

"It's not a code word, it's today's lunch" I shook my head and walked out.


I drove to the hospital and quickly went to his ward but I needed to talk to Ashton, so I got out of the ward and walked to him

"Can we talk?" I asked him. He led me to a secluded area

"I'm sorry"

"It's not entirely your fault"

"Is, the baby really mine?"

"Yes, I cannot deny that"

"Can- can I touch it?"

"You won't feel anything yet"

"Yeah I fo-forgot I was excited about a baby of my own"

"Yeah I was too... even Tyler was excited to start a family of our own too but all he feels now is rage and shame. I feel guilty you know. I didn't get pregnant with my husband's child but yours. Even though I can feel affection and love towards the unborn child, I'm drowning in my guilt every time Tyler or the baby crosses my mind" I sighed

"I don't understand how it feels to be in your shoes and I never want to because when I look at you I can feel an overburdened broken woman who masks this and stands tall" he said and I nodded. I walked past him and into Tyler's ward.


"I'm sorry" I whispered closing the door behind me as I stared at Tyler's body.So peaceful.He didn't look like someone who went through alot and got shot by his own wife. I'm thankful he's not awake orelse I couldn't have faced him. I walked up to him and brushed back his stray hair that were falling on his forehead with my hand kissed his forehead 

"I love you" I whispered against his forehead and got up. I glanced at him for the last time and then walked out. Lives depend on me, I don't have time to sit beside my husband, who is  not even awake for countless hours.


"Hey, hi. I'll see which room I can arrange for you as soon as possible" I walked in and saw Mia, Allen and Keith at the doorway

"Jane, can they stay in my room?" Keith asked

"Okay, sure. I'll ask someone to put an extra bed there and I'm retiring for today can you handle the rest of the work?" I said

"Sure" he replied and I walked back to my room upstairs

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