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"You are sick give yourself a break!" Julia said barging into my office, it's not in her nature to knock

"I'm always sick, that's not an excuse" I said looking at her from my laptop

"You are hardly sick and that's the problem" she yawned and sat down

"I'm sick of my life since the very beginning, so it's same" I shrugged

"No it's not, just go and take rest" she replied

"Are we kicking me out of my house?" I asked teasingly

"No, we are requesting you to kick yourself out of your house" she said looking me straight in the eye

"Fine, I'll leave in an hour or so" I sighed

"Okay, my delivering date is getting closer and honestly I'm scared" she said suddenly

"I think it's gonna be easy, you are strong, you can take a bullet and still fight" I tried to assure her

"A piece of metal shooted at you and getting a whole human out of you is different" she replied

"Uh......well" I scratched my neck

"I-I am just scared a lot you know not because-not because it's gonna be painful but what if he what if Gio is a stillborn baby? After all these months, these hopes, is it all going to waste?" she said as tears roll down her cheeks, I went over to hug her

"That's not going to happen, he is a Walker aren't we born warriors?"  I whispered into her hair

"You have the blood of a Walker, we don't" she murmured

"Cut the crap, you know you have my blood like literally when you were dying of blood loss, I gave my blood for you"

"Wait! That was you? I thought it was the blood bank"

"Dad asked the doctors to not give my name" I said with a smile

"So that means my godson will have my bood and come out just fine also about you? I don't know that never been pregnant myself" I said and slumped back in my sit


"What do you want to explain, that work is hard? I manage an empire without drugs or alcohol in my body. Then he has the nerve to argue with me at the crack of dawn"


"Taylor, I'm done with this, I work hard too you know, all I want to do is come here and lay down beside him, maybe cuddle, not stress myself as to why isn't he home yet all night" 

"Just calm down-"

"Where is he?" I demanded

"The club" she replied

"Ha. Didn't I say? He's an alcoholic" I said and then walked off to Mrs. Hernandez's room

"You called?" I asked knocking on the door

"Ah, yes. I wanted to show you something.Come in." she said and I walked in her then sat on the bed


"I know it will be very disturbing for you but I also think as a powerful leader you can handle it"

"What is it?"

"I got out some important informations which shows Christopher killed Tyson, and married you off to Tyler to get a hold of this mafia all because Tyson's marriage with Diana was a fail"

"That's what you know, the half truth, I know my father killed Tyson, I really don't know his motive with the deal but the part where you go wrong is, the marriage wasn't a fail, it was toxic, unhealthy because my mother was abused by Tyson, physically and mentally and I hope you understand my father acted out in anger because he loved his wife a lot just like how Tyson loved you, I cannot say sorry on his behalf because I agree with him but I am sorry for causing inconvenience for you" I said with a small smile

"It puts us in a tough spot and this is where it gets disturbing. They wrote in the contract if anyone of them kills one of them, you and Tyler need to perform the blood pact"

"I am not doing that, I may be a killer but I am not willing to drink blood even if it's mine" I said standing up

"And Tyler's"


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