chapter twenty nine.

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“I don’t think you should be getting your hopes up too much…” Oliver warned, as we paced down the surprisingly empty street. I was practically skipping with happiness at the prospects of actually seeing Gabi again, even if it was just for a moment. I knew he was right though.

There was still a huge chance of me being turned away. They wouldn’t forget what had happened so easily. However I just felt oddly positive this morning and I wasn’t exactly sure why. Perhaps it was because I fixed my problem with Oliver and now I felt I could fix this too.

“Yeah… I know… sorry…” I said, shaking my head and slowing down so that I was at a level walking pace with him. He then did something that surprised me. He grabbed my hand and gently interlocked our fingers together, squeezing it comfortingly. A smile spread across my face and I returned the gesture as though it was the most natural thing in the world.

As we reached the entrance of the children’s home building, I felt my heart beat a little more quickly, a mixture of excitement and worry swallowing me up.

I gave Oliver a reassuring nod before puffing my chest out and opening the double doors. Things were off to a good start when I noticed that there was a different and older lady was sitting behind the reception desk. Walking slowly towards her, it suddenly hit me that I recognised her from somewhere. I squinted at her face as I approached and I soon realised who she was.

“B-Betty?” I breathed in bewilderment. Her head shot up and she pushed her thick glasses further up her nose. Her eyes scanned my face for a few seconds and I could tell that she partially knew who I was but just couldn’t put her finger on it.


“It’s Rebecca, remember? We met at that pub one time…”

It sounded quite ridiculous. Just because I had spoken to this woman for all of twenty minutes didn’t mean she knew me from any other stranger. She probably spoke to lots of people at random, so the probably didn’t remember. However her reaction startled me.

“Oh my goodness me! It is good to see you again dear” She smiled kindly. I noticed Oliver was giving me a peculiar look from the corner of my eye but I ignored him. I would explain it to him later.

“How’s Sidney?” I queried. Her face lit up as I said this,

“Ah, you remembered! He’s wonderful, thank you. Did you ever manage to work things out with your boyfriend?” She questioned, her gaze slid over to Oliver who was still clutching my hand. Her eyes widened, “Oh! Is this him?”


I let out a short laugh and shook my head.


“O-oh no… this is my best friend Oliver…”

“Nice to meet you” Ollie responded politely, although he still hadn’t the faintest idea who Betty was.

“And you dear” She smiled, before turning her attention back to me.


“So no luck with your boyfriend then?”

“Um… no not really…” I shrugged, my happiness fading slightly. I did want to work things out with Wilf eventually, but he certainly came second on the list. Gabi was always going to come first. I hoped that Wilf wasn’t getting into too much trouble though and was getting the help like I encouraged him to. I missed him very much.

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