chapter twenty three.

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“Please state your full name, age and date of birth” The female police officer said monotonously. I had been caught off guard when the policeman had re-entered the room with a woman. Not because I didn’t think women couldn’t be good police officers but because she was quite young and evidently higher up than the first man was, which impressed me. But it also meant I was much more intimidated by her.


“Rebecca Jennifer Miller, I’m 21 and I was born on 5th of May 1993.”


My gaze moved slowly between the both of them. They were sat on chairs opposite me and had a huge recording device placed in front of them. This was to make sure they had hard evidence of what I was saying. It was quite worrying really because it meant I had to be extra careful of what I said as it could be used against me.


 I saw her nodding slightly before she continued with the questioning.


“Do you know why you were arrested?”


“Y-yes” I stuttered. How was I going to word this? I couldn’t say I merely attacked Joyce at random because then they really would think I was a danger to society. I just had to tell them the truth and pull the sympathy card to make them feel sorry for me a little. The officers then waited for me to carry on. I took a deep breath.


“I lost control of my anger” I explained, “But she provoked me. She threatened me.”


“Did you know the victim?” The woman said, leaning forward a little more curiously. I knew I had to tell the truth. Besides why would I lie? I didn’t want to protect Joyce, not after what she had done to me. Perhaps if I exaggerated how cruel she was, she would at least lose her job. That really would make my day.


“Yes… she’s my social worker” I admitted. The blonde woman raised her eyebrows in surprise. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and twiddled with my fingers on my lap. I don’t whether telling them that Joyce was my social worker was a good idea.


“That’s interesting… what did she say exactly… that provoked you?”


“She told me she would never let me see my daughter again” I blurted out. The words were spilling out of my mouth automatically as I thought back to the moment. Joyce couldn’t stop me from seeing Gabi. She didn’t even have a good enough reason to take her away from me in the first place. 


The two police officers gave each other sideward glances. Maybe that had not been the best thing to say. Now they would think I was a danger to Gabi as well. I held my breath for a second,


“And where is your daughter?” The youthful woman asked, her hard expression softening a bit. She must know what it’s like to be a mother or she was just very sympathetic. Either way, I was pleased she wasn’t going to be too harsh on me. The intimidation I had initially felt was fading quickly, but I still felt rather uncomfortable.


“I-in care…” I mumbled, looking down at my lap with regret. I clenched my jaw tightly as I tried not to cry. Every time I thought about her there on her own, it hit a nerve. She was there because of me. She was alone and scared and it was all my fault.

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