chapter twenty seven.

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“Everything alright Becks?” Oliver asked as we strolled home together with our arms interlocked. In all honesty, I was still slightly shaken up by what had happened in Dominic’s office. I hadn’t been able to concentrate very well and my mind just kept going back to the moment when he suddenly pinned me against the door.


But I didn’t want Oliver to know otherwise. I don’t think he would be able to cope. He would probably end up attacking Dominic and we’d both lose our jobs. It was better if it just stayed a secret, for now at least.

“Yeah… fine” I lied, giving him a fake smile. As always he didn’t look terribly convinced but didn’t argue, he knew better.


“Are you worried about Gabs?”


“A bit…” I admitted, of course I was worried about my daughter but I also had something else on my mind.


“She will be okay… she’s strong like her mum.”

I nudged Oliver’s shoulder with mine playfully and couldn’t help beaming ear to ear. He really knew how to make me feel better.

We reached the flat soon after this and I immediately felt incredibly drained. As soon as Ollie had unlocked the door, I shuffled over and slumped dramatically on our plush sofa, exhaling loudly in relief. It was so comfortable, like sitting on a fluffy cloud. I could have fallen asleep there and then. If that wasn’t for Oliver entering the room,

“Want some hot chocolate?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows,


“I would love some…” I grinned, lifting my feet up and cuddling my knees to my chest for warmth. I was so thankful I was now in a heated flat and didn’t have to sleep outside on a cold, uncomfortable bench. I still couldn’t I had actually done that.

Right now, everything was almost perfect. Expect for three things: I needed Wilf to pull through from his alcoholism and find me again so we could be a family, I needed to do something about Dominic and there was still a very important, tiny little person missing.

My heart broke when I thought of Gabi again. I hadn’t seen her in so long. It seemed like being in a luxurious flat without her wasn’t fair. What if she starts thinking I’ve forgotten about her? Or that I’ve abandoned her? I missed her so much, if only they would let me see her, even for a second.


“Here you go…” Oliver smiled, carrying two large cups of hot chocolate with whipped cream and caramel sprinkles on top. Sometimes he really did spoil me. 

“Thanks!” I chirped, taking the warm mug between my hands. I felt its heat emit through me and I shivered at the sudden change of temperature.

Oliver switched on the TV and we watched random programmes all night while sipping our hot chocolates. It felt amazing to be simply hanging out with my best friend again. God knows, I have needed him. The world seemed to be a better place when he was in it. I knew how cheesy that sounded in my head but I didn’t really care. It was the truth.

The hot chocolate must have really taken an effect on me though because next thing I knew, Oliver had lifted me up from the sofa and was carrying me bridal-style to my bedroom. I felt like a little kid.

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