
Dream got home and threw his keys on the table. The dishes were still piled in the sink, and there was clean laundry thrown on the couch. He sighed and went to the bedroom.

George was in bed, sleeping lightly.

Dream crawled into the bed and lightly shook his husband.

George sat up quickly. "what?!"

Dream jumped at his response. "relax, it's just me baby. It's too early to be sleeping."

George laid back down and curled up. "I'm tired though."

"Didn't sleep well last night?" Dream laid down in the bed with him, not caring about the work that needed to be done.

"No, I woke after you left and I couldn't even get back to sleep." George rubbed his eyes.

"Awe..." Dream moved closer and took George into his arms. "I'm sorry, how's your head feeling?"

"Not too bad, still aching a little." George absorbed the love coming from Dream immediately.

Dream closed his eyes, ready to fall asleep for the night.

George noticed him falling asleep, so he gently nudged him. "Hey baby, do you think I could get high tonight?"

Dream opened his eyes again and put his hand on his husband's cheek. "No, I'll worry about you too much. Just wait a couple more days." Dream was trying to see how long he could get George to go.

George whined and buried his face in Dream's chest.

Dream pulled back. "Watch your stitches, they are coming out tomorrow."

"You should take the day off work." George looked up at him.

"I can't, but Sapnap will take you I bet." Dream rubbed his back, closing his eyes slowly again.

George closed his eyes, relaxing for a minute. "I thought it was too early to be sleeping?"

Dream curled up slightly, putting his head closer to George's. "I can't help it, you're like a little teddy bear."

George was fine with that, he wanted to sleep again too. He wasn't feeling up to productivity. With the devastating news, he didn't see the point. In the back of his mind, he wondered if Dream would be able to get remarried to a woman. That might be enough to make Dream divorce him. Though he kept trying to focus on the love Dream had been showing him.

Both men dozed off for about 20 minutes. They only woke up because George's phone started ringing

Dream got up first so he grabbed the phone off the nightstand. "Who's calling now? Your second boyfriend?" He teased.

George groaned as he came out of his sleep. "Hm?"

"Oh, it's just Sapnap." Dream said jokingly and answered. He doubted Sapnap or George would mind. "What's up?"

"Hey Dream, where's George?" Obviously he expected him to pick up his own phone.

"We were asleep, he's all groggy now." Dream's voice revealed that he was still waking up as well.

"Oh, is he alright? He texted me earlier but me and Karl have been busy all day." Sapnap wasn't a careless guy. He had his moments of not caring, but he cared about his friends and family.

Ring Around My Heart (DreamNotFound +) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now