The first YouTube video

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Ana woke up at 8am to Elousie climbing up onto her bed. Ana lifted her up onto the bed and cuddled up to her. They both fell asleep for an hour or so before Mason woke them both up going to the toilet.

"Oh sorry did I wake you both" Mason apologised

"It's fine" Ana said

"A girl needs her beauty sleep" Elouise said

Both Ana and Mason looked at her and burst out laughing.

"Anyways me YouTube things are coming today, shall we think of some ideas?" Ana suggested

"Yeah okay" Mason said

After 30 minutes of thinking and bickering they both finally agreed on an idea

"right so we have decided for everyone to be parents in our friend group for 24 hours and then Elouise be a big sister for 24 hours?" Ana said

"yes sounds good" Mason said

"Oh good, let me make a phone call to book the fake babies and then we can tell everyone" Ana walked off to make the phone call.

10 minutes later Ana walks through the bedroom door

"all done, now we wait for the equipment to arrive" Ana said

"Okay, so today can we go get everything from my house and move it into yours?" Mason said

"Yes but what are we going to do with your house?" Ana asked

"I don't know, I'll figure something out" Mason said

"Okay, let's get ready" Ana said

Ana ran a bath for Elouise and then put her in while Ana and Mason got a shower together.

"you know I love you" Mason said to Ana

"I love you too" Ana replied

Mason kissed Ana and then made his way down to her neck, he slid his hand down her body and made her breathe heavily, he put it in and they did it.

After 15 minutes they got out and got dressed, Mason got Elouise out of the bath. Ana did her hair and makeup while Mason got Elouise ready.

At around 12pm they got their shoes on and got in the car and made their way to Mason's old house to get his clothes and everything. They packed the car with all of his things and then made their way to KFC and got lunch and then made their way home and chilled out and put everything of Mason's away for the rest of the day waiting for all the equipment to arrive.

The next day Mason and Elouise wake Ana up at 10am and they get ready for the day and have breakfast. They made their way to the England camp to meet everyone. When they get there everyone is already there.

"Finally" Dec said

"Shut up you, anyways we are being parents for 24 hours for my youtube video, here is a camera each and you actually have to try" Ana said handing out the cameras "The couples are me and Mason obviously but we are getting E to look after her as well, Dec and Lauren, Jack you and Sasha are a couple, Phil you and Becca are together, and the rest of you get to decide"

They get set up to start and Ana starts the video.

"Hello everyone, welcome to my youtube, this is my first video i hope you enjoy, today we have the England squad and some of their girlfriends and we will being parents for 24 hours, since I am already a mum I will be overlooking Mason and Elouise my daughter, now is everyone ready?"

"Yes" Everyone replied

"Go" Ana said

They all go different ways and most of the boys are pissing about except Dec and Mason.

"Our kid is gonna be so cute" Mason said

"Yeah one day Mason" Ana said

"Yeah one day" Mason said while remembering the public didn't know about it.

"Maybe if you wasn't such a dickhead mase we would have one soon" Ana joked

"I'm such a good father figure to E thank you" Mason snapped back

"I was taking the piss you knobhead" Ana laughed

The day goes on and it finally gets to the end of the day and time to meet up with the others.

"Any of the babies broken yet" Ana says looking at Jack

"Oy you knobhead I wasn't too bad was I Sasha" Jack said while Sasha laughed at him "Okay maybe I got frustrated one time"

"One time? More like one hundred" Sasha said

"Our baby may have lost an arm" Phil said

"For fuck sake" Ana said

Ana finished the video and everyone went home. When Ana, Mason and Elouise got home they went to bed and chilled out for the rest of the day.

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