The football match

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The next morning she woke up to her daughter climbing all over her.

"What time is it E?" The blonde asked her daughter

"Like 9 mummy" her daughter replied to her

"Okay baby, are you hungry?" she asked her daughter

"A bit, can we have pancakes?" The little girl asked her mum

"Of course, let me get some clothes on and let's go downstairs" Anastasia told Elouise

"Okay" Elouise replied

The young mother got dressed, brushed her hair and then took her child downstairs to make pancakes. While making pancakes she gets a facetime video from her best friend which she answers.

"Girl what the fuck happened last night?" Her best friend asked her

"What do you mean?" Anastasia answered back to Lola

"You text me, presumably drunk saying that Jack grealish kissed you, you got into a fight with a bitch that likes Jack and that you think Mason Mount likes you" She explains to Anastasia

"What? I don't remember, I was drunk so it was all a lie probs" Ana told her best friend confused. Just then the young blonde got a message.

"Mommy," her daughter said while waving her mum's phone around. Ana grabbed the phone from Elouise.

"It's Jack" Ana told lola

"What's he said" The brunette asked the blonde

"He said he has tickets for me and Elouise to watch the football match tonight at Wembley" Ana told Lola

"That's amazing, you gonna go?" Lola asked the blonde

"Yeah why not?" The blonde said while replying to the footballer. "Anyways i better get going someone is hungry and needs feeding, bye love and miss you"

"Love and miss you too byeeeee" The brunette said while the blonde hung up.

Anastasia and Elouise finished making the pancakes and ate them together. The blonde mother then got her daughter ready for the day by giving her a bath, washing her hair and body, got her out, dried her off and got her dressed before brushing and styling her hair. She put 'Tangled' on for the little blonde while she made her way to the shower. After getting out she gets dressed and then does her hair and makeup. By the time they were ready it was around 12pm.

"Hey baby, we are at a football game tonight, shall we go on a walk or go to the shops then have a nap so we can stay awake for the game" The mum asked her daughter

"Can we go on a walk please?" The little girl asked the 20 year old

"Yes, let's get our shoes on then set off" The mum told the 1 year old

The daughter and mother both put on their shoes and left the house to get in the car. After driving about 20 minutes they found a nice little walk for them to do. They got out of the car and got everything they needed, Ana put Elouise into her pram and they started to walk. Half way through the walk Elouise wanted to get out and walk so Ana let her. Although she nearly jumped into the water Ana stopped her and put her back in quickly. They walked around 5 miles and then got back in the car and went back home. Anastasia put Elouise down for a nap then got in bed herself and fell asleep watching Netflix. Around 2 hours later Elouise came into her mothers room and woke her up.

"Hungry" The little girl told her mum

"Let's order a pizza" The mother said, still half asleep. The mother ordered them two pizzas. They watched 'Lion King' while waiting for their food. About 20 minutes later their food arrived and they ate it. They then got ready for the football match. They set off to get to Wembely at around 7pm as kick off was at 7:45pm. They got there around 7:15pm; showed their tickets and sat down.

It was finally time for the boys to come out and you and Elouise were shouting and screaming as loud as possible. The game then started and you were shouting Jack and Masons name.

"Mason?" Her daughter said while looking at her funny.

"It's mummy's friend we met the other day" her mother replied

"Oh, MASON! JACK" Elouise started screaming so Ana started laughing.

Mason had the ball and passed it to Jack and he scored. Anastasia and Elouise started screaming and cheering that they scored. He came over to where Ana and Elouise were and waved at them and they waved back.

The game had finished and England won 4:0. You waited till it calmed down and most people had left but Jack and Mason came over.

"Hiiii, you guys played so well" Ana told the boys

"Thank you" they both said

Elouise started clapping "Yayyy! Mason! Jack!"

They both smiled at her.

"So what are you doing now?" Mason asked

"Going home to put this one to bed" Anastasia replied

"Oh okay, I wondered is you wanted to come meet the boys" the 22 year old said

"Yeah not today, maybe another day we are extremely tired, we should probably get going, really well done" The young girl congratulated them as she gave them both a hug and so did Elouise. They got into their car and set off home. They got home at about 10:30pm and Ana put Elouise straight to bed and herself not long after.

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