Chapter 5: Thanksgiving Part 1

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Sabine and Devin race to the swings and begin swinging; seeing who can go the highest. At that moment Sabine had remembered her little sister Alice, saying how great she had been doing with the monkey-bars at her school's playground. 

Sabine said "Hey Alice you should show mom and I what you can do" while pointing to the money-bars.

Alice jumps for joy, ready to show them what she had be practicing. So she runs off to the monkey-bars. "Look mommy, watch me" she said looking at her mother then asked her sister, "Sabine can you see me?"

Both Sabine and their mother was laughing watching. Their mother and Krisette were close by at the seesaw and slides; as Alice maneuvered across the monkey-bars. Suddenly, she slips and fall onto her back, hitting her head. Alice’s eyes roll back into her head. Her mother picks up Krisette and runs to Alice, at the same time Sabine and Devin jump off the swings. 

“Alice Alice Alice. Look at me baby” her mother kept saying.

Alice’s eyes came back and her mother lifted her. 

“Let’s go. Call the ambulance Sabine”, her mother said.

They got everyone into the car as her mother raced home.

 Sabine looked back at Alice to check on her, with tears in her eyes, this time it was not Alice face but some girl she did not recognize.

“Love wake up, wake up now Sabine”, Jullian was shouting and shaking her.

Sabine opened her eyes, crying hard and fell into Jullian’s arms. She was confused and did not understand why her dream changed that way. Who was that girl?

“You have to call your therapist. Today! Do you hear me Love? Today!”, he said to her while cradling her, his voice serious and worried all at once.

Sabine just nodded. It was too much and she hated that dreadful day with everything in her. If only she could forgive herself as Alice have forgiven her years ago. She knew it was not her fault but something in her seems to say it was. She could not understand why there was another face on Alice’s if the memory was real and not a dream. How can something like that happen?, she thought.

After crying for about thirty minutes, Sabine was finally breathing better and weeping now. Jullian had a bath running for Sabine, with lavender and bubbles. He lifted Sabine off the bed after removing her clothes and helped her into the tub. As he was leaving out the bathroom, Sabine called for him.

“Jullian, please stay. Can you get in with me? Please”, she pleaded.

“Give me one second Love”, he said as he walked out. A moment passed, he came back in with his phone and put on calming meditation music. He knew this would help her. He sat the phone on the sink and got in with her, hoping to soothe her.



“Happy Thanksgiving Momma! Look who wants to see you”, Devin said holding Amora.

“Oh my goodness. Well hello there little one. & Happy Thanksgiving my son. You’re up early”, momma said kissing both he and the baby on the cheek.

“Yeahh, Paris is really tired and for whatever reason I am energized. I have to feed Amora anyway, so I decided to come down for a bit to see you. I’m surprised Sabine isn’t awake yet, she’s usually down here before you”, he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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