Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Sabine inserted the key to her family house, she pushed the door opened and could smell all of goodness. It smelled like a bakery and she could not wait to taste everything her mother was making for tomorrow. She stopped after she put down her bag jus to smell fully. She inhaled deeply. 

“Sabine is that you”, her sister Krisette said, walking to the front door because of the alarm.

Jullian turned off the alarm and greeted Krisette.

“Hey Krisette”.

“Ahh” Sabine said exhaling.

“Hey Jullian. Momma didn’t say you were coming”, she said as she hugged him.

“Oh is he all you see?”, Sabine said fake wounded.

“Girl Sabine. You looked like a kid in a doughnut shop for the first time. I was not about to interrupt you”, she said laughing.

They both laughed as they hugged each other.

“It’s good to see you” Sabine said.

“I just seen you but I did miss you too. And why didn’t anyone tell me Jullian was coming?”, she asked.

“I thought momma would have told the world he was going to be here. Especially what happened that last time we skipped out”, Sabine reminded her.

“Ohh yea momma was upset for two months and…”, she paused and shook her head just thinking about what happened.

“Yea. So where is momma and everyone else?” Sabine asked as they were moving towards the stairs to her old room.

“They went to the store and momma said y’all can stay in the guest room because Devin is using your room”, Krisette informed her.

“The guest room? Why Devin can’t stay in his room? That’s my room”, Sabine was confused and becoming frustrated.

“Wait until they get back ok?”, Krisette said nt wanting to be in the middle of anything.

“No I’ll call her-”, Jullian cut her off.

“Love it’s fine. The guest room is nice. Come on” he encouraged her to accept it, besides its just a room.

“Fine”, she said but was not happy. 


An hour had passed, Sabine and Jullian were settles into the guest bedroom. Sabine was checking her emails while she waited for everyone to return. The unknown was on her mind so she clicked on it.

“OMG”, she shouted after reading both of them.

 “What Love? What is wrong?” Jullian asked her startled by her outburst.


She pushed the computer to him. She looked as if she have seen a ghost. The first email must have be a prank but the second she was confused and angry. She then realized they were connected somehow. There was a picture of she and her family from seven years ago, up in the cabins during the christmas break. They were laughing and playing games, such happy moments. Her father was still alive then. There was a message under the pic stating:

“I want what you owe me. You know who this is. 100k or I will tell the world how you assaulted me, seven years ago”.

“100k? Who the hell is this?’ Jullian asked, looking at Sabine confused. 

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