"Help me! Please, please help me!" I beg the woman but she ignores me and my cries.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Of course." The woman replies.

The door is suddenly thrown open and I cry in relief knowing my agony will be delayed by even a minute.

"Sir, the soldiers we captured have escaped." The new man gasps out.

"What! How?"

"Captain America sir. He broke out the soldiers and they fought back."

"And our subjects? Do not tell me you fools lost our latest experiments."

"Gone sir. Every last one of them."

"Get out! Get out you idiot!" He yells and the door slams shut behind the man.

A switch is flipped and a sudden sharp shooting pain rips through my blood stream and all I can do is scream. My body convulses under the hot bolts of electricity and my back arches off the chair as I scream and sob and scream. I can feel my blood heating and my brain being pushed to its limit. It feels like my very mind is being fried on a grill.

The machine powers down with a loud mechanical whirl and my exhausted body falls against the chair. My head hangs limp, my chin on my chest as I try to remember how to breathe. My breath comes in and out as a quiet wheeze and my heart is hammering in my chest and I fear the organ will give out at any moment.

I hear words being exchanged between a man and woman but their voices sound muffled and far off like I'm underwater. The leather straps restraining me are pulled free and I immediately fall forward and hit the hard ground. I'm too focused on my breathing to care as I am lifted into a pair of strong arms. The blurry vision of a man standing across the room with a woman forces me to squint to see their faces even a bit clearer. The man looks over at me. My limbs are numb and my body is trying to push me toward unconsciousness. The man's mouth moves and I only catch a few words.


I only comprehend those three words until my eyes fall closed and my body finally rests. The next time I open my eyes I'm staring up at a bright light shining painfully right in my face. As my eyes dart around to try and survey the room, I find I can't move a single muscle. My body is completely useless and it makes my breathing quicken and my heart race.

"She's waking up, I need a dose to calm her heart or she'll go into cardiac arrest." I hear a woman's voice command and then I see a syringe passed from one hand to another above me.

There's a noise of protest much like a whine and I realize I made that sound. I can feel my fingers twitching. My mouth won't open to form words and all I can do is hum and whine.

"Movement has been restored in the fingers." A male voice announces.

My eyes dart between all the figures standing around me and moving about the room. Many are dressed in lab coats and stare down at me with clipboards before they scribble something down on their paper. I feel as if I'm some sort of animal at the zoo for people to view and I feel completely and utterly vulnerable.

"Her heart rate is still going up. I strongly suggest we put her under until she is able to regain full control of her body. She's been in the cryostasis chamber for a year and she needs time to adapt."

"Very well, put her under. Just know that if she dies during this trial it will mean your own family's death." A male voice responds and I feel a faint prick in my arm. My eyes become droopy all of a sudden and it feels as if my brain is slowing down.

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