His eyes scanned her face, waiting to see if she had anything else to add. Once he could tell that there was nothing else coming, he spoke up.

"I didn't know you felt like this... why didn't you say anything?"

"It's not rocket science, Spencer," she huffed.

"Can you stop saying my name like that. It's scaring me."

"It's your name."

"Yea, and I'm aware of that. You don't need to remind me every other sentence."

"Stop trying to change the subject."

"Baby, I'm sorry. We can plan more time together, I'll cut down on the gaming."

"I don't want you to plan more time. I want you to want to spend time together."

"Okay, excuse my wording," his voice slick.

"I don't want burritos anymore. Take me home," she turned her face towards the window, sadness replacing her anger.

Lost as to how their burrito run turned into an argument, he glanced over at her before making a u-turn and taking them back home. So much for quality time.


The weekend ended, and the tension between the two gradually melted away. Spencer knew actions meant more than words when it came to Olivia, and he was determined to show her that she was his top priority.

During the off-season, Spencer did most of the cooking at their house. He found peace in the preparation, so he naturally took over the role. Plus, seeing the smile on Olivia's face when he brought her her favorite foods didn't hurt.

On Wednesday night, Spencer decided to prepare her a special dinner; chicken and waffles, one of her favorites. She could never resist the crispy and fluffy combo. 

In the zone, Spencer started preparing the waffle batter. He laid out all the ingredients and reached into the cabinet to grab a bowl when he heard something rattle.

"What the heck?" he pulled down the bowl to find something that didn't belong. Staring at his Xbox controller, he put two and two together. Olivia.

They were just getting back into their normal banter, so he didn't want to go and mess things up. Deciding to deal with it later, he stuffed the controller behind the couch cushion and finished up dinner.

Once the food was plated, he set up the table, lit some candles, and dimmed the lights. Olivia had been working all day on her latest article, and she deserved a break.

"Liv!" he called out, "Dinner's ready!"

Coming down the stairs with her eyes glued to her phone, she didn't notice the scene until she was pulling her chair out to take her usual seat at the table.

"What's all this for?" she looked over at Spencer.

"Quality time. You were right. I've been slacking."

She bit her lip, feeling her heart overflow with love for her favorite person. Sometimes he slipped up, but he always got his act together. Not waiting any longer, she grabbed a piece of chicken and took a bite, her shoulders dancing as she ate.

Once their plates were wiped clean, Olivia found herself in Spencer's lap on his end of the table.

"You always know the way to my heart," she kissed him slowly.

"Anything to make my baby happy," he picked her up and carried her to their room, knowing it may be the last time he got some for a few days.


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