Chapter 46 MAE DAY

Start from the beginning

"Ooo I know how to do that bit," he said bounding off to kitchen on a mission.

Lee came out of the bathroom with the baby whose lungs were going full pelt.

"Shut him up Lee or my wife will hear him and come kill me," Conrad said as Lee tried to shush the baby and put a nappy in the bin.

The floor banged from upstairs and someone shouted 'shut that kid up'. Conrads face was a picture.

"Oh they did not just shush my baby!" he said and all humour was replaced with anger. He disappeared, literally disappeared, one second he was there and the next blink he was gone.

"Is he eating my neighbour?" I asked Lee concerned.

"I don't know. I'm not up there," he shrugged.

"Lee! No neighbour eating!" I said wondering why he wasn't freaking out like me.

"He won't eat them unless..."

"They are bad, yes you have said that before but I would rather he ate elsewhere!" I protested.

Conrad reappeared.

"Fucking humans," he said rolling his eyes.

"Did you just eat my neighbour?" I asked.

"No, I just made him a little deaf for a while," he replied.

"What you ate his ears?" I asked confused.

"Noooo, as if I am going to nibble his ear when I've got a babies bottle warming and I've just ate two bowls of soup, I'm not hungry," he said.

"Stop eating people around here, you will get me in trouble and it makes me uneasy," I moaned.

"Well excuse et fucking moi," he said. "My taste in food is not to your liking but when Willow takes a bite out of your hand, you don't object to me having human in my mouth then do you."

"You were the one who came over and licked me..."

"Alright you two, stop!" Lee said.

"All I've asked is that he doesn't eat the neighbours, what is so wrong with trying not to attract the police with dead bodies?" I replied.

"I eat them whole, what is there to find?" he asked.

"Missing people then! I'm just asking you to refrain from chowing down on people who can be tracked back to me."

"NO! I am what I am, if you don't like it... thrrruuuuupppp," he said before phased into something terrifying as Lee jumped in front of my eye line, holding the baby.

"You idiot!" Lee growled. "Phase back now."

"No, she can get used to it," Conrad said, his voice more baritone than usual. "I'm still human size."

"Oh for fucksake, phase back!" Lee yelled.

My heart was racing and I was terrified but also couldn't believe my eyes so leaned around Lee.

Conrad was a demon! There he was with his back turned to me, black crystal like skin, wings, a tail, horns on his head, hoofed feet.... "Now the milk is too hot!" Conrad moaned testing it on his wrist.

I giggled.

Lee looked around. "You're not scared?" he asked.

"No," replied laughing feeling no fear whatsoever. My initial terror gone and replaced with amusement and fascination.

"Of course she's not going to fear me, I am her guardian remember. In order to protect her I may have to change form and eat someone," Conrad replied.

"He's like a skinny, charcoal coloured, hell boy," I said laughing and Lee stifled a giggle.

"Oh great!" Conrad said. "She is comparing me to a cartoon character who files his horns off. Lovely!"

"She is human, she doesn't know the importance of your horns," Lee replied.

"Does the size your horns equal to the size of your..."

"NO! But my wife wishes it did," Conrad replied, and flashed me a gremlin toothed smile.

"How do you maintain balance with wings, hoofs, tail and horns?" I asked out of the blue.

Lee gave me an astonished look.

"With great skill," he replied.

"Can you dance? I think a tango with a horny devil like you would be super sexy. I bet your wife loves it."

"No," Conrad replied embarrassed.

"Did I just make you blush?" I teased.

"Tango is similar to their mating ritual. You are basically asking him about his sex life," Lee replied.

"Oh good makes a change from him interfering in ours."

"You don't even have one," Conrad chipped in.

"We would probably still be going at it like rabbits if you hadn't arrived holding Willow like she was a poo grenade and you were about to lose a hand!" I moaned. "Demons afraid of baby poo, bet not many people know that. I must update Wikipedia."

"Fucking human," he said moodily before laughing. "Right who wants tea whilst I up here on bottle duty?" he asked.

"ME!" I yelled along with Lee.

"Here, swap," Lee said passing me the baby. "I'll put them the sleep in your bed for now," he said picking up Bay.

I fussed the baby who was just staring at me and making the 'I am going to cry again' face so I gave him a snuggle and kisses. He gave a little moan but with a few pats on the bum and back rubs he was happy.

Lee returned to pick up Willow. She gave a little cough and splutter. "Shhh," Lee said and rocked her like he did with Suri. She settled off again and he walked to the bedroom.

He made it back to the front room and she started crying again. He turned back and in the end returned with her to the front room. "I can't risk waking Bay," he said. "She's had him awake for three days, he's exhausted."

She reached out to me crying. "Let's swap again," I said as he put her down to lie beside me and took the baby. She crawled onto my lap and snuggled there. I put the blanket back over her and patted her bum till she went back off.

"You feed him, he is your baby," Lee said arguing with Conrad in the kitchen.

"I want to drink my tea," Conrad complained.

"Learn to do it at the same time like every other father," Lee countered.

"No, you do it..."

"I will call your wife!" Lee threatened. "And phase back, you are in a human realm."

Conrad grumbled but did as requested. He took the baby walked over with him and put him on the chair alone whilst he went to fetch the bottle he forgot.

"No, go back and get the baby. You have left him in danger," Lee said pointing.

Conrad looked confused as he looked back at the baby.

"He could be sat on, roll over and fall off the edge," Lee reeled off.

"He's not suicidal, he's new born, he doesn't know how fucked up life is yet. Why would he throw himself off the edge," Conrad replied.

"Oh my god, I can't believe I trusted you with the twins," Lee said grabbing the bottle and walking back over to the baby. My heart had been in my mouth ever since the baby was put down, coiled ready to pounce if he moved an inch.

Lee sat down and settled the baby into the feeding position. He tested the bottle on his wrist and shook off the drips before giving it to him. I watched and wondered what he had been like with Suri and what he would have been like with our child who would have been that size now. I picked Willow up and took her into the bedroom as I didn't want him to see me getting upset. I settled her in bed with Bay and repositioned the pillows to stop them falling out of the bed like Lee had.

God I wished I could keep them but I knew I couldn't and I knew I couldn't keep Lee either. Something always happens. I just hoped I got to see Suri before it did.

MAE DAY (Book 1 COMPLETE) (Book 2 in progress on Wattpad)Where stories live. Discover now