New Recruits and Expedition

Start from the beginning

"Y/N, would it bother you if I speak to my classmates for a bit?" Eren asks Y/N, standing next to him, pointing at the group of people where she looked in the direction where Eren was pointing.

"Go ahead. It's been a while since you've last seen your classmates, so you should say hi. Please don't take too long. They're still learning the formations for the Scout Regiment and such,"

"Understood!" Eren smiled. He ran towards Mikasa and Armin, calling them, "Hey!"

"Eren!" Armin called out to him.

"It's been a while!"

"Eren! Have they done anything to you? I hope they didn't torture you! How are you feeling?" Mikasa pestered Eren showing her usual overprotective attitude toward him.

"No, nothing like that," Eren responds.

"That midget went too far. One day, I'll get back at him for what he did to you..." Mikasa snarled, recalling the memory of Levi beating Eren into a pulp during court.

"You can't be talking about Captain Levi," Eren sweated at the thought of Mikasa getting back at the Captain for beating him.

"Eren!" Someone's voice called out to him. Eren looked to see his former classmates appear before him. He was surprised that most of them, especially those in the Top 10 with him, had joined the Scout Regiment.

The group soon began to chat amongst each other, catching up on everything that had happened in the last month since Eren had joined the Scouts. As they talked, Y/N noticed that several of the trainees she had spoken to during their training had joined the regiment over the Garrison and the Military Police. She walked over to the group to see what was up with them.

"Ah! Y/N!" Armin said as all eyes turned over to the woman that came over. All of the 104th soldiers instantly saluted her when she came to a stop at the group.

"What are you lots doing here? Eren said that most of you made it into the Top 10. I thought some of you guys would choose the Military Police..." Y/N said.

"We could say the same to you. You joined the Scouts despite ranking first in your class," Eren fired back as Y/N pretended she didn't hear him. "But anyway, I'm assuming Annie, Jean and Marco joined the Military Police?"

"Marco's dead..." A familiar voice spoke from behind. Others looked from behind to see Jean approaching the group.

"Jean? What are you doing here...? No...Wait a moment. You said...You said Marco's dead..?" Eren was shaken at the sudden news of Marco's death.

"Tell me, Jean. When you learned about Marco's death, did you ever see his body?" Y/N asked. She was curious how Jean had figured Marco had perished since she hadn't seen the 104th, days before they disbanded.

"I did. When I saw Marco's body, half of his top half was gone, and I'd assume it was a titan's doing. No one was there to see it...No one knows what happened to Marco..." Jean said with a shaken look.

"So that's what happened...I see..." Y/N nodded, "I'll see you guys later," She waved the group off and joined her squad.

"Is Y/N in the same squad as you, Eren?" Armin asked.

"Yeah. Y/N told me that when the Scout Regiment made the Levi squad, she was immediately placed into the team without Captain Levi considering her kills and assists even though he did with the others," Eren explained to his classmates.

"Why? Was there a reason?"

"I think it is related to Captain Levi and Y/N. Uncle and niece, to be exact," When he revealed the family relationship between the two Scout soldiers, some were surprised.

"Really?!" Connie and Sasha shouted. "So if Captain Levi and Y/N are related, then the rumours of Y/N being super strong must be true then," Connie said at the information he revealed.

"Yeah, I can confirm that the rumours are true. I've sparred with Y/N one on one a few times before. She hits like crazy. Mikasa's almost as strong as her,"


After the month where Erwin had recruited the 104th trainee corps into the Scout Regiment, all of the recruits were put into classes where they were given lessons on Erwin's Long Distance formation and many other tactics that the regiment had used during their expedition outside the walls. The division was ready to leave Wall Rose to head out to Wall Maria.

The Levi Squad was close to the front where the Commander would've been, and Y/N was not that nervous as she had been outside the walls dozens of times before. Then Y/N peeked to her right, and right away, she noticed that Eren seemed to be nervous.

"You good there, Eren?" Y/N asked Eren.

"Y-yeah. I'm just a little too excited and somewhat nervous as well." He responds. She understood what he meant. Y/N had been the same when she went outside the walls for the first time.

"Don't worry about it. I get how you feel...Being able to leave the Walls." The girl was indifferent to leaving the walls, whereas other Scouts, Hanji, a prime example, had a thing for venturing out the walls like crazy.

"This is it!! Humanity takes another step forward. Could you show me what you've learned?" The Commander's voice boomed as he called out to the soldiers above the walls to open the gates, "Commence the 57th expedition outside the walls! Advance!"

With Erwin's lead, the regiment all charged outside the walls once the soldiers opened the gates. Once the soldiers had left the Walls, all troops were divided into smaller formations which started the official expedition. Erwin had ordered the Special Operation Squad to stay far back into the formation since they had Eren in their team, and he was set to be protected regardless of the situation.

While the Scouts were in the middle of their expedition, the right side of the formation had been facing a difficult situation where they had encountered a highly abnormal titan. This problem had caused the entire side to set off multiple black flares due to them being unable to take out the abnormal Titan. The abnormal Titan caused the Scout Regiment to break and separate slowly, disrupting the formation.

Back with the Special Operation Squad, who'd been moving for some time, Y/N had been scouting the area and continuously checking for anything important the team may miss. Y/N stared off into the far distance where the right side of the Scout Regiment would have been, and that had been where the team was heading directly.

"I've got a message. The entire right flank has been taken out. It's now vulnerable to the enemy. Please pass the message onto the squads on your left!" A soldier appeared, delivering the news that the enemy titans had wiped out the entire right flank.

"You heard the man, Petra. Move out," Levi ordered Petra to pass the message to nearby squads in the Special Operation Squad range. The woman obliged as she quickly dispersed from the group to pass the message on.

A ton of black smoke went off into the sky, which signalled the squad of the nearby potentially dangerous enemy.

"Black flares?! There's an abnormal titan?!" Eren asked in complete shock.

"Eren, you fire it," Levi commanded Eren to fire his flare off.

"It looks like the formation is falling apart. The enemy nearby must be something the Scout Regiment has never faced before." Y/N said.

Levi was moderately surprised that Y/N could deduce something like this despite being a member of the Scout Regiment for no more than a year. But with such little information of what Y/N knew, she had no clue what was to come beyond that the Titan had been troublesome for the scouts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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