The Awakened Power

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In 844, Y/N enlisted into the Training Corps, where she began her soldier training. She made it past the halfway point of the first year, quickly gaining much popularity amongst her peers.

"You should try asking her out," a male trainee elbows his friend to try and ask the Ackerman out. Y/N was quite famous amongst the male trainees and quickly got along with the female trainees, so there were occasional issues where guys would fight for her attention.

"No. Why would I do that?" The friend answers in slight annoyance.

"Because I know how you are, and I know that you have feelings for her," the trainee responds with a smug shrug.

"Well, my answer is still no. Do you not remember what happened to Blaine? One of the girls told Y/N about him not leaving them alone, and she dislocated both his arms." The two gulped in fear that it might happen to them. Everyone in that class knew that not only was Y/N pretty and approachable, and she was also physically strong. They knew she was strong enough to take down an entire class of trainees alone.

"Y/N! Do you have time to spare? I want to train with you," a female trainee approached her.

"Sure...Do you want me to go easy on you?" Y/N asks.

"No. Please go all out on me." She told her as the two soon walked outside to the training grounds.

"Alright. I'll hold no mercy on you." The two female trainees were now prepared to start training.

The female trainee struck first, which Y/N quickly countered and swooped off the ground effortlessly. Before she got a chance to get back up, Y/N promptly pulled up the wooden knife up to her throat, which immediately stopped her from moving.

"My win," Y/N said as she let the knife fall to the ground.

"You're strong..."

"Should we continue training then?"

"Yeah. I'm not done yet."


Two years later, in year 846, Y/N was now prepared to graduate from the Trainee Corps. The year prior, 845, was when Wall Maria was breached. The news of the wall being breached shocked the inhabitants of Wall Rose and the entire corps. The first month of the breach was a massive deal amongst the trainees because of the titans' appearance and how many lives were lost.

"It's been three years since you started training! Today is now the day when the rankings are announced. When your name is called, step up to the front! First place, Y/N!"

Y/N stepped up to the front. Everyone else had expected she would be first since she could ace through everything. Small talk gathers around the trainees, making gestures towards the female, not surprised that she would be first.

"...That makes the end of the 103rd Training Corps! Disbanded!" The instructor called out as all trainees saluted and left the meeting area.

"Y/N, good job landing first place."

"I'm not surprised that she landed the first place, and she's the strongest in the entire trainee corps."

Many people had approached Y/N to congratulate her for ranking first in their trainee division. She wasn't used to getting so many compliments in her life since she grew up in the underground city.

"Hey, Y/N, which regiment are you going to enlist into? The military police, right? Since you've practically ranked first," A trainee asks her during dinner.

"I honestly don't plan on joining the military police, and I wanted to join the Scout Regiment," Y/N responded.

"The Scout Regiment? You crazy?" Another said

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