The Underground's Life

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In the city that inhabited the undergrounds of Wall Sina lived a young girl at 13. Known as the thug's niece, her name remains unknown to the public, but a small number of people within the underground knew her name. That would be Y/N Ackerman. Currently, the young Ackerman was on the streets on her own. On occasions, Levi, her uncle, would allow her to roam freely when she had nothing to do. Y/N wandered around the black market while peeking around the goods that sat on the stalls.

As a criminal-filled underground city resident, Y/N knew nothing but trouble. This is due to her upbringing with Levi, who was known to cause a stir as a thug, as he was the only person she could call family. Walking up to a stall, she bent forward to peek at what was on the booth. Once she saw the goods on it, a voice called towards her.

"Huh? Isn't that the thug's niece?" As she turned her head, a man's voice said, looking up at the unknown man.

"Uhm, who are you?" Y/N asks the unfamiliar man. She was suspicious of the man, but adrenaline soon rushed through her. In her thought process, she was trying to figure out if she could escape him or at least shake him off. As a 13-year-old, she was surprisingly fast and agile due to her upbringing in the underground.

"I'm an acquaintance of your uncle, and do you mind guiding me where he is right now?" He told her, lying to her about being familiar with him. In reality, he was one of the street merchants often after Levi and Farlan.

"Are you friends with my uncle...?" Y/N was starting to grow even more wary and suspicious of the man. After telling her that he allegedly knew Levi, she wasn't sure if he was honest. This was caused by her parents going missing eight years back, and she was later left under Levi's wing. This caused the man to teach her how to survive underground and taught her who to trust and who not to trust. Since living with Levi for most of her life, she was more than capable of engaging in physical combat at any given time. Her parents had left the underground eight years prior and been hoping to make it to the surface and move there with their daughter. They soon left her under Levi's care despite their efforts, as they had not returned since that day.

"As long as we get this over with, you're free to go." The man told her, and he had hoped that the child would try and take him to where her uncle was.

Thinking to herself, she knew how much trouble she would get into if she were to lead someone to her uncle. Considering that she would be in massive problem if she were unfamiliar with that person. After all, Y/N had lived with Levi for the last eight years, and she had learned a lot from both Levi and Furlan. Soon enough, after an awkward silence, Y/N made up her mind and decided to attack the man by throwing a punch to the stomach. Then she began to make a run from him.

"H-hey! Get back here!" The merchant yelled at her and soon began to chase her after recovering from the punch made by Y/N.

After finding the opportunity to make the run, Y/N attempts to throw him off a few times here and there. Every time she tried to throw him off, he would catch up to her when she had thought she did. Soon enough, Y/N had managed to lose him for a bit, but she could hear him despite his distance from her. The young girl had a strong sense of hearing and could hear at a considerable distance. At that point, she could listen to where the merchant could be.

Hiding by some boxes near an alley, she looks around the area, hoping she wouldn't get caught. Y/N had realized that she was supposed to be back home a long time ago. Because she had provoked the merchant and caused him to chase her, the girl had been on the run for a while. Seeing no one nearby, Y/N stood up and began to move so she could return home. Once she started walking, she felt uneasy and nervous about her surroundings. To her, it almost felt like she was being watched from a distance. As Y/N turned her head to look behind, she was right. That same merchant she had attacked earlier was right back, and he was ready to grab her.

"Stop running!" The merchant yelled at her as she was panicking inside as the man was again after her.

As the young girl was panicking so much, she had difficulty keeping a steady pace from running. Noticing that she was in the hideout area where Levi and Furlan resided, Y/N chose to make a run to the place. She continued to run, hoping she would outrun the pursuer or at least hoping that she would lose him. Making it to the staircase where the building would be, Y/N ran up to the top stairs, way out of breath.

"Shit...The little brat's disappeared!" The merchant said as he came around the corner near the building. The moment that she saw that the man was already there. Y/N opened the front door, fearing the man would catch her. She closed the door behind her after entering the hideout.

"Y/N, why were you out for this long? You're sweating a lot, kid." Levi said, pointing out that his niece had been gone for longer than he had told her to return. He knew she was often on time whenever he allowed her a specific amount of time outside. But today, he knew something was off when his niece hadn't returned after a particular time had passed.

"Uhm...There's no reason why..." Y/N quietly responds, scared about what Levi would say if she told him the truth. She knew her uncle was the type of person not to be messed with, and she didn't want to provoke him, especially if he was a little protective of her wellbeing.

"Y/N," Furlan called out as he walked up to her, "There's no reason to lie. If something happens then, you could always say something,"

The young teen was scared and nervous to confess why she was gone. Y/N broke eye contact with both Levi and Furlan out of fear. Then she took a deep breath and decided to tell them what had happened. "Well, the thing is, when I was by the market area, there was this man who had approached me. He said he knew Uncle Levi and asked me to guide him here, but I wasn't sure if he was telling me the truth. Since I wasn't so sure...I attacked him, and he was chasing me for a while."

"Hmm...So that explains why you didn't come back for some time," Furlan said. Levi didn't say a single word as he motioned his young niece over to him.

"Y/N, I'm going to say this once. If someone mentions me, but you've never met them, don't ever listen to them. Who knows what they're after." Levi told her as she nodded.

Y/N turned around and was about to walk away to mind her own business or at least check what needed to be cleaned. But soon, there was a knocking sound against the front door. Both Levi and Furlan quickly got their guards up in case it was a possible attacker. As Y/N looked at them, she realized they were likely expecting something serious to happen. Quickly realizing that both adults were getting defensive, Y/N waited to see what was up.

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