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The banging soon got quiet, but Levi and Furlan were still on the edge of who could be on the other side. Furlan, who was by the door, looked at Levi, and the latter motioned him to open the door. The blond male grabbed the doorknob and quickly opened the door expecting an attacker. Once he opened it, a young girl soon fell to the ground. But to both Levi's and Furlan's surprise, the person outside their building this time was a young woman with reddish-brown hair.

"Huh? It's just a kid..." Furlan said once he realized that the person who was outside was only a young person, "That surprised me,"

"I'm not...I'm not a kid!!" The young woman refuted them.

"Oh? If so, then I'll feel less bad kicking you out then. Get out now," Levi said, looking down at her and even pointing out that she was dirtying the floor.

As Furlan and Levi continued to talk, Y/N seemed to relax a little. She wanted to get a closer sight of the situation and walked up closer but just a few feet behind her uncle in case something happened. While the girl struggled to get up, Y/N looked down at her and noticed something white in her hands.

'Is that...?'

"Over here!" A voice shouted from outside, and the girl let out a shocked gasp as she tried to get up but failed to do so.

"Tsk, so you were being chased?" Levi said with annoyance once he heard the shouting.

"So? What should we do?" Furlan turned to Levi and asked him.

"...Y/N, don't move. Stay in here," Levi told her sternly. Now, Levi and Furlan were standing by the base door waiting for the pursuers.

Once the pursuers approached the two asking for the girl who had barged into the building, they quickly noticed the girl slumped against the door they were looking for.

"Hey...I've found her!" One of the men says the moment he sees the girl as the others follow. "I thought as much. Are you guys friends?"

"Nope, not at all," Furlan responds to the question.

"Then hand over the girl to us. You'll be sorry if you cover for her. After all, she tried to get past the 11th stairway without paying!" The second one revealed that the female by the door had attempted to sneak past the guards earlier. This brought the two men by the door another surprise.

Just as the men continued to tell the two to hand over the girl, the first man who approached them decided to take matters into his own hands. The man walked up the stairs and patted Levi on the shoulder. But in response, the shorter male retaliates by cutting his hand with the knife he held in his left hand. As soon as he cut the man's hand, Levi took no chances and soon began to beat the man.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hand. Otherwise, I'll get dirty." Levi said as he threw the man back down to the other two men down the stairs.

Just as the three men were leaving, Y/N stood there idling for a bit before she snapped back into reality. Approaching the female by the door, she peered up close to the girl's face.

"What's that you're holding?" Y/N asked the girl who brought both Levi's and Furlan's attention.

"How long are you going to keep holding it to your stomach? It'll die," Levi told her. That reminded her that she was still holding the bird close to her.

"A bird? What's wrong with it?" Furlan asked her.

"It got lost on its way here, so I thought I would bring it to the surface," she explained.

"Don't tell me you tried breaking through the gates for that," Furlan said, thinking she was joking.

Soon when Furlan had taken a closer look at the bird, he noticed its wings were injured and could not fly any time soon. Taking both the girl and the bird in, Furlan wrapped the small bird's wings so it could heal.

The Scouts' Hunter (Attack on Titan Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu