Day 2

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Today is day 2 of the games and I was still unhappy about Master putting me on as a reserve member. As I got dressed I heard Gajeel and Laxus snickering and I kept saying a long paragraph of colourful words. When we arrived at the arena Natsu also joined in with Laxus and Gajeel while Wendy only looked mortified. I kept glaring at master's head and soon enough Romeo cut me off
"If you don't stop that we won't have a master left." He said slightly worried. I huffed in annoyence and looked over to the Sabertooth stands to see Rouge about to loose it from trying to keep his laughter in and his team mates only looking at him with either pity or disgust... It was hard to tell.
"Maybe if I do this long enough master might give me my spot back." I told Romeo with a smile on my face, he only nodded and went back to his spot quietly.
I looked at the lacrima display and saw Gajeel, Nastu and Sting all in last place and barely moving
"Why- why are you doing this... Do you really care about your public rank so much, where's the Fairytail from my childhood?!" Sting called out to Nastu and Gajeel.
"For- For our friends. For our family at Fairytail who waited for us for 7 long years. We're doing this for them. For her." Natsu said making all of us shed some tears while I was a little confused about who that 'her' is I decided to drop it, even if it hurt a little.
"Way to go Natsu, Show them what is Fairys are made of. You too Gajeel!" I called out to them making most of the arena look at me. I smiled and showed a piece sign.
"That would be the Riozawa Stark otherwise known as Dragon Soul Rio!" The judge announced
"Riozawa, I heard about your new achievement. I'm proud of you my girl!" Mr Yajima said
"And what achievement would that be, Mr. Yajima?" The judge asks him
"She is now a wizard saint. Youngest ever at age 16!" Jason yelled into the speaker
"Yo, this isn't about me! This is about my guild mates who are out there fighting for our points. Show some respect and comment on them!" I yelled out an irk mark appearing at the judges for blindsiding my guildmates.
"Sure, and now as you can see we have Gajeel entering at 6th place winning 2 points and Natsu earning 1 point, while Sting from Sabertooth has forfiet this round." The judge commented quickly as the first round of the day is finished.

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