My Adventures

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After Erza and many others told me all the things that happened while I was away Natsu had rejoined the party much to Gajeels dismay. I looked over to all the exceeded who were chatting happily amongst themselves making me give a soft smile towards them.

"Woah, everything sounds so much fun! Wish I was here to fight Phantom Lord or even that Sparky user Laxus." I pouted slightly towards my old friends, they only laughed before continuing on.
"So, Rio what mission were you on? It seems like you were away for a while." The blond named Lucy asked me. I smiled at her and began telling her everything about my time away.

"I was on a decade quest... Or was it a century quest I don't remember. Anyways, so 3 years ago just before Guildarts left I did too for my quest, and boy did that job take me everywhere! Now that I listen to your stories I realize how many times were actually close to each other. Like that time in Hargeon when the ship thing happened, I was close by and watched everything but I didn't know who it was. Oh well, then that time with the Nerverama thing I do remember walking under a giant Octopus city..." I recalled to them as I watched them all have shocked faces
"Wow you're right, you were so close. That's why I could smell ya!" Natsu exclaimed making a few others sweat drop, me included
"Are you implying that I stink, Natsu Dragneel?!" I asked him in a low tone making the fire mage sweat buckets.
"No, I didn't mean it like that!" He tried to explain
"Then how..." I asked
"You have a very nice smell... That why I can recognise it easily!" He said quickly trying to save himself
"Oh yeah... And what do I smell like?" I asked now more curious than upset
"Like... A fresh breeze from the ocean, a hint of iron, poison maybe and apples..." He said as he sniffed close to me making me blush slightly at his actions.
"Anyone would think that's creepy Flame brain... But good to know my sent is still the same." I smiled softly as I subconsciously reached for the necklace I was wearing. Natsu saw this and immediately beamed happily.
"You're still wearing it!" He said snapping me out of my thoughts, I looked at him then smiled
"Always and forever remember..." I said remembering a promise Nastu and I had made when he gave it to me three years ago before I left for my mission.
"Still wearing what?" Wendy asks looking over to us, I show them my necklace and smile.
"It's something Natsu gave me just before I left... I've never taken it off." I say making a few girls 'aww'
"Is it that special?" Gray asks and I nod seriously.
"It's from Natsu so of course it's special to me. A guy with frozen brains will never understand." I say and turn away as Gray then starts freaking out about something new.

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