10 ~ Lost time

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Isabella's POV ~

Sitting down on the couch, surrounded by my family and friends, I couldn't help but smile. I was finally home with my family again. It may have only been a month or so, but to me that felt like a lifetime. A lifetime feeling homesick and missing my family.

I was annoyed at myself for not coming back sooner. Annoyed at myself for letting them suffer for so long. How I didn't think that they could help search for my twin I don't know.

I've lost all this time with them because I couldn't use my brain for once.

Who would've though that Nik of all people would think of that? He's just an 8 year old kid in the body of 18 year old mafia leader.

I could hear laughter coming from all around the room and I look up to see everyone laughing at me with an amused look.

"What.", I say grumpily, glaring at all of them.

This just causes their laughter to get louder and I feel something wet falling from my face.

I feel someone place their hand on my shoulder and lean into my ear.

"You're drooling amorem.", Nik huskily whispers in my ear. My stomach fills with butterflies as he says amorem.



Oh how I wish I could wipe that knowing smirk off of his face. I just know he's smirking right now.

I shove him harshly and quickly wipe the slobber from my chin.

"Shut up bastardo.", I roll my eyes at him. (bastard)

He just smirks at me and turn back to the rest of my family and friends who are all glaring at him.

"Back off.", Noah practically growls at him.

Nik's smirk just grows as he leans forwards slightly.

"Or what.", He presses.

"Nope. Not happening.", I say getting up from my seat and standing in the middle of the room, "You stop trying to get under their skin,", I say pointing at Nik, "and you", I continue pointing at Noah, "leave the poor guy alone.", I finish, huffing and slumping back down in my space on the couch.

"Ok puttanna morta, che ti ha strisciato nel cull.", Salvatore snickers and I flip him off, cursing him under my breath. (Ok dead ass bitch, who crawled up your ass)

"Language.", uncle Franco scolds, giving me a playful smirk.

"Suck my invisible dick old man.", I grumble rolling my eyes and slumping further into the couch, crossing my arms annoyed.

"What was that young lady?", Franco asks raising his eyebrow, daring me to back chat him again.

"Suck. My. Invisible. Dick. Old. Man.", I repeat, emphasising each word.

"You're going to regret saying that.", he smirks as he lifts himself from the couch and starts walking towards me.

My eyes widen in panic and jump out of my seat, running straight to the back door and into the back yard.

"You can run but you can't hide bambina.", I hear Alessio, I think, chuckle as I hear footsteps chasing after me.

I started laughing as I heard them cursing under their breath and trying to catch up.

Suddenly, the footsteps come to a stop, but I wasn't risking it so I ran a few more feet until I eventually gave in.

When I turned around, I was met with 32 faces all giving me sly smirks, even my aunts.



Shit, where's Enzo?

I let out a startled scream as strong arms wrapped around me and threw me over their shoulders.

"LET ME DOWN YOU FAT ASS OOMPA LOOMPA!", I shouted as I pounded on his back.

I try lifting my head up to see where we were going, only to be met with the edge of the pool.

"As you wish principessa.", Enzo chuckles as he drops me head first into the pool.

My body lands head first into the pool with a large splash as I feel all of my clothes becoming soaked and pulling me deeper.

I let myself sink down to the bottom before pushing up and resurfacing.

Opening my eyes, I glare playfully at the 33 faces in front of me, causing all of them to laugh at me.

I probably looked like a drowned rat.

I put on a small pout and look up at my eldest brother.

"Can I have some help please?", I ask Luca innocently, giving him a small pleading smile.

His eyes soften and he nods softly, taking a few steps towards the edge of the pool.


He reaches his hand out and before he can react, I pull him into the pool with me, laughing as he tries not to choke on the pool water.

"Karmas a bitch.", I laugh as he pulls me under with him.

It may have only been a month but it felt like a lifetime.

But I was going to make up for all of the lost time.

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