2 ~ Still hurting

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Lorenzo's POV ~

That day I felt like I had failed as a brother, and in some way I had. My baby sister was gone, and there was nothing I could do.

The past month has been nothing but hell. I was completely broken. We all were.

After 14 years we had finally reunited with our principessa, only for her to ripped away from us just a few months later.

She didn't even reach her 17th birthday.

I look up at the ceiling above my bed, my new favourite hobby, as I dwell on thoughts about my bambina.

I sit up quickly as a loud knock is heard from my door.

"Come in.", I say groggily.

"Hey.", Matteo says as he peeks his head through the door, "We're going to go now, you coming?"

"Yeah I guess.", I sigh as I lift my body off of the bed and follow Matteo down the stairs.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I look around at my brothers, all dressed in black with solemn looks on their faces.

Just like every Sunday we make our way to our cars and start heading to the cemetery.

The silence in the car is almost deafening as I feel my heart clench in pain as I think of Bella.

"We're here Enzo.", I hear Angelo say, bringing me out of my thoughts.

I nod slowly as I open the car door and start following my brothers through the bleak cemetery, before we stop at our destination.

I look down at the grave, seeing the flower from last week still there, untouched, but what caught my attention wasn't the flowers, but the letter.

The missing letter.

The color drains from my face as I feel my heart rate picking up.

"Enzo, what's wrong?", I hear someone ask me.

"T-the letter.", I manage to stutter out.

"What about it?", Ricco asks, confused.

"It's not here. It's gone.", I say, now feeling my breathing pick up.

"Enzo, calm down. I'm sure the wind just picked it up.", Angelo says with a soft look in his eyes.

"N-no, I tied it to t-the f-flowers they c-couldn't h-ave blown away, b-besides we've had n-no wind t-this week.", I try to explain, a few tears slipping from my eyes which I quickly wipe away.

"Someone may have picked it up.", Darien says, smiling sadly at me, but something in my gut was telling me otherwise.

I wanted to say something, but instead I decided against it, not wanting to upset my brothers.

Despite not being blood, the Moratti's are my brothers. Even though Bella isn't here, they will always be my brothers.

We all sat around the grave quietly whilst placing fresh flowers in place of the old.

Instead of talking like normal we all just sat in silence, all lost in our own thoughts.

Soon enough the sun began to set and the darkness around us began to deepen as the hours went by.

"Guys, let's head home it's getting late.", Emi says quietly as he began to stand up.

We all nod in agreement before heading back to the cars.


Once we got home, we all quickly went our separate ways. I headed up to my room and slammed the door shut, locking it behind me.

I slid down the closed door as all my emotions began spilling out of me. I let out a chocked sob as the tears kept spilling out.

I lift my head up from knees and look up at the ceiling, trying to calm myself down.

"I'm s-sorry I c-couldn't p-protect you.", I sob.

"Why did y-you have t-to run back i-into the b-building? W-why?", I practically scream as I jump up from my position on the floor.

"WHY?!", I scream as I start to storm around my room.

I was too busy throwing stuff around to notice my door being unlocked and strong arms wrap around me.

"It's okay Enzo. Let it out.", I hear a soft voice say as they continue hugging me.

I start to calm down as the voice continues to whisper calming words.

My eyes slowly begin to close as I feel myself being placed onto my bed and covers being placed onto of me.

I sniffle one last time before I slowly drift off to sleep.

My last thought of my dead principessa.

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