8 ~ Twin

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Isabella's POV ~

They all looked at me wide eyed as I finished my sentence.

"Your what?", Gio asks again looking at me unconvinced.

"My twin.", I state again.

"Bu you don't hav-", Darien starts, but I cut him off.

"But I do.", I state looking at him in the eye.

He seems taken aback by my action as I was never one for eye contact. I always tried avoiding it, looking into their eyes was always intimidated but not anymore. They are just the eyes of fluffy bunny rabbits.

"We would know if you had a twin Bella.", Adriano argues.

"Not necessarily.", I respond, earning a bunch of confused looks. I look over at Luca to see him guilty looking down at the floor.

"You knew didn't you.", I state, looking at him intensely.

I can feel everyone's eyes on us as he lifts he head, looking at me with a teary gaze.

"I swear I was going to tell you.", He says barely above a whisper.

"Were you? Or are just saying that to ease the guilt or something?", I ask, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I was going too but I didn't know how to tell y- ", I cut him off.

"No you just didn't want to tell me.", I say, giving him a blank look.

"Is anyone else confused?", I hear someone whisper, along with a chorus of yesses.

"I didn't know how too!", He begins to raise his voice at me and rise from his seat on the couch

"But you should have!", I counter.

"How was I meant to tell my little sister that her twin brother was kidnapped at birth!", He screams angrily.

Multiple gasps are heard around the room as I smirk victoriously.

"Well that wasn't that hard to say was it now.", I say, a smirk still plastered on my face.

"You knew about him? About the kidnapping?", Luca asks, now calm and sitting back on the couch.

"Yes I knew.", I chuckle before continue, "I was just waiting for you to actually say it."

The room goes silent as everyone's eyes are still glued to me and Luca. I stand there awkwardly waiting for someone to break the silence but no one does, so I finally decide to speak up.

"So does anyone want to actually know what happened?", I ask looking around at everyone and see them all nodding at me, so I start retelling what happened that day.

Flashback ~

April 11th 2005


The screams echoed around the hospital ward as Alessia Cortello the youngest Cortello and Moratti child was born. Alessia's breathing steadied as she was finally able to relax.

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Cortello-Moratti. You have a beautiful baby boy and girl.", The doctor smiled as he passed the baby boy to Alessia and the baby girl to Antonio.

The couple smiled down at their newborns, wondering how they created such gorgeous babies.

"Mom, Antonio, can I hold one of them?", An 11 year old Luca asks.

"Here sweetie, take your brother.", Alessia said as she passed the baby to her eldest son.

"But mom you said you were pregnant with a girl.", The boy frowns as he is passed his brother.

"Yes we did. I had twins dear, a boy as well.", Alessia said, causing a smile to make it's way back onto Luca's face.

"Can I tell the others?", Luca asks excitedly.

"No not yet Luca, wait a little longer, we want to surprise them.", Antonio smiles.

"Okay!", Luca happily responds, holding his baby brother closer, "What are their names?"

The couple smile at each other.

"Elijah Antonio Cortello-Moratti and Isabella Bianca Cortello-Moratti.", Alessia smiles.

3 hours later ~

The Cortello's and Moratti's were all peacefully sleeping, eager to meet the new arrival to the family in the morning.

Alessia and Antonio slept soundly in the hospital room, Antonio sleeping beside his wife on the sofa next to the bed.

However, they were too deeply asleep to notice the door to their room slowly creek open and a women dressed in a nursing uniform slip into the room.

They were too deeply asleep to notice there youngest son being taken from his cot on the other end of the room.

They were too deeply asleep to notice their only daughter crying loudly at the loss of her twin.

That night would be a day they would never forget.

A/N ~ I know the chapter is kinda short but I haven't had much time to write anything but I hope you like it. Stay safe <3

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