"Wait," he said.

"Matthias, I'm hungry! Can't we talk about Fjerden politics later?" She whined. She was about to continue when she felt his strong arms grip her back, pulling her into his chest. A hug.

"I don't feel good about this. There's something... off about him."

"Saints, you really are superstitious, aren't you?" But she wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek. "We'll figure it out, we always do. And Kaz wouldn't have kept him alive this long if he thought he was a threat."

Matthias looked like he wanted to know more, but a low growl sounded from Nina.

"Was that your stomach?"

"Yes it was, and if that isn't a hint then I don't know what is!" 


The Crow's Barrel was really just a nickname for the cells underground where he kept temporary prisoners, but it was also useful as it had secret tunnels leading out. Plus it was convinient as a torture chamber.

As Kaz limped down the steep stairwell leading underground he couldn't help but feel the annoying tug of curiosity forming in his mind. Wylan was a bit of a mystery to him. Being a merchant's son seemed to only present benefits. So clearly the boy was either incredibly stupid or mentally unstable for him to leave that life of luxury. Or was it something else?

Finally he reached the chamber, his leg groaning in protest as he stalked forward. Matthias had chucked Wylan in a cell further down, and Kaz ignored the other occupants of the cells next door, knowing all too well that they were in no condition to make remarks.

Not bothering to use the keys, Kaz plucked a lock pick from his pocket and twisted it a few times before the cell door creaked open, and he stepped inside.

The boy, Wylan, was shoved up against the wall, shoulders slumped, head of annoyingly messy curls tilted downwards, yet his breathing was heavier than before, and Kaz could see how his fingers twitched as he revived.

Kaz shadowed himself in a corner and waited until finally the boy groaned, rubbing his neck and the necklace of bruises Jesper had gifted him.


"Save the pleasantries." Kaz stepped out of the shadows and immediately saw the fear rise up like bile in the boy. As Kaz stepped closer he shimmied away, curling up in a corner like a frightened cat. Typical.

"Let's get one thing clear, Wylan." He paused. "That is your name, isn't it?"

Wylan nodded.

"Well, Wylan, I'll tell you what I know. I know that someone has paid a large sum (one million kruge, to be exact) to have you killed viciously and brought back to that same someone as a corpse. And, as you have already guessed, I'm the one that's supposed to kill you viciously. Sound familiar?"

Wylan nodded and tried to speak, but it came out as more of a croak. "The Zemeni boy-"

"He tried and failed, so it seems it's my turn."

The boy looked terrified, then, as quickly as that fear had arrived, it dissipated. He dropped his head, allowing his eyes to rest on the floor. "Please... make it quick."

In all his time as DirtyHands Kaz had never let anything surprise him. He had never left anything to chance long enough to become a surprise. But this, the boy's sudden willingness to die, was something new entirely.

"What did you say?" Kaz rasped.

The boy looked up at him again, with eyes of pure sapphire. He saw nothing of Van Eck in those eyes. In fact, he saw quite the opposite; a gentleness that was rarely present in anyone in Ketterdam, let alone a merchant.

Kaz shook his head, shoving away his thoughts till all he saw were his gloves, his cane, both belonging to the Bastard of the Barrel. That was what he was. And that was what he would be now.

Stepping forward he unsheathed a hidden dagger from his belt, playing it around his fingers in an attempt to taunt the merchling. It failed to work, instead drawing a strange look of determination from Wylan.

Soon Kaz was standing directly above Wylan. Crouching down low, Kaz took one last look into those bright blue eyes before whispering:

"If you stay still, I'll make this easy."

Wylan nodded and, screwing up his eyes, leant forward so the dagger was directly over his heart.

Kaz didn't say a prayer for the boy. He didn't whisper his condolences, nor did he mock him. So it was no surprise when he didn't even wince when someone grasped his shoulder and tugged him back. 

The Love of a Crow - Wesper/Crows Fanfiction/AUWhere stories live. Discover now