|First Moon|

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The night was as peaceful as the calm ocean waves drifting off into the abyss, with the cold spring air billowing its mountain-scented flow through the pine trees, mixing the scents into perfect harmony.

Above was the full moon, shining down an abundance of its light source upon the land below, revealing the hidden cabin that was tucked away within the trees, where from within its thick walls comes the gravely and daunting sound of a beast's growl.

The moonlight spears its rays through the windows, casting a luminescent glow into the room and upon the sweaty palpitating chest of the blonde hunter currently naked and chained by his wrists to a bed.

His eyes behold a golden hue, bright and powerful, but also accompanied by a hungry and malevolent gaze. A gaze dangerous to most, but a turn-on to anyone bold enough to challenge it.

The stare is directed at the beast standing in front of the bed, his muscular arms crossed over his broad bare chest, his ebony hair tied back into a bun, revealing the fullness of the stoic expression on his face as his eyes glow red, hounded upon the situation before him.

Jimin is experiencing his first full moon.

Jungkook has been through this very situation before when he was a child. It's never a pleasant experience when the full moon rises, setting out his inner wolf to become aggressive. It wasn't as harrowing as the red moon, and Jungkook has years of experience managing the full moon phase.

But Jimin doesn't.

Jimin wasn't born a wolf-like Jungkook. He was turned, and when someone gets turned, they become half human, half wolf. Two embodiments trapped in one body.

The human side of Jimin is fighting an inner battle with the wolf side, the wolf winning that battle and demanding emancipation.

"Hold on just a little longer, my love. This phase will be over soon." Jungkook tells the hunter, earning a snarl in return.

The hunter tugs and pulls against his restraints, his fists clenched and teeth baring at Jungkook, wanting to rip the wolf's throat out.

Again, this wasn't the hunter's actions, but the inner wolf that was spilling its release.

"H-hurts." Jimin manages to utter. Even under such dire amounts of pain, the hunter pushes through, hindering the wolf from escaping.

Jungkook nods, understanding what Jimin is going through. "This is just a phase." He says again, casting a glance out the window as the clouds pass across the moon, pausing the phase for the moment.

That was enough to calm the wolf inside Jimin, thus lessening his pain.

"I don't think I can handle this." Jimin says in a tired breath as he lays limp upon the bed, his chest rising and falling with heavy breathing as sweat beads down from his blonde hair. "My body wants to tear itself apart."

"That's because your inner wolf wants to transform, but since you are a turned human, you can't physically turn into a wolf-like I can." Jungkook tells him as he reaches down and unzips his pants, pushing them down and exposing his nude form to the hunter.

He gets in bed with Jimin, reaching up and taking off the chains that bonded Jimin's wrists.

"What are you doing!" Jimin panics, wanting the chains to be put back on for Jungkook's safety. "I'm not stable enough! I will hurt you."

"I am not afraid of your wolf. I will show him that I'm the alpha of this relationship." Jungkook says, his eyes glowing red as he hunches his shoulders, coming off very intimidating.

Jimin looks at him, his own eyes glowing amber, his inner wolf growling in defense. "That's the problem Jungkook-" He pauses, eyes glowing a brighter shade of amber as the clouds reveal the moon again, thus triggering Jimin's wolf.

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