The job (Chapter 2)

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The carriage lunges violently to the left before righting itself again.

I reach out my arm to steady myself on the side of the carriage. Goddess damn it, this road has more potholes than road signs.

My eyes immediately search out the woman sitting on the opposite cushioned bench, her head leaning against the padded walls. She's still sleeping, her long dark lashes resting against her round cheeks, a few strains of hair covering her face. I don't know how she manages, maybe humans sleep in moving things often on earth?

Barbin is reading over some paperwork beside her, but he occasionally looks over at her sleeping form and smiles. It must be a dream come true for him to find a chosen that seems so accepting of her situation and so interested in working on building a relationship. I'm happy for him, really.

Or I would be if I didn't find my own situation so annoying.

I can't understand why everyone fucking wants me to guard their chosen, it's not like I've had a successful run at it. Jessica died in pain and everyone thinks Ivy is missing. I know I'm a big motherfucker, but shit, there are other bodyguards in Haringshude.

Sure I could've refused Barbin's offer, but damn where would that leave me? Hertilz was going to kick me out at some point since Ivy's been missing for almost a year and I can't ask my mom to take me in again, she has enough mouths to feed as is.

I shift in my seat to try and find some space to stretch my right leg that's been cramping for the past two hours. It fucking sucks that we had to go all the way to Yandhude to attend one of the chosen balls, but the Fushites refuse to come closer to Haringshude until the situation at the temple is resolved and the nightly protests stop. It's some shit about 'protecting the vulnerable women' but we all know they're fucking pussies.

"Doing okay, Sean?" I look over to see Barbin's shit-brown eyes on me and not on his papers.

I nod because I'm a fucking bodyguard and even if it feels like my leg is dying a slow death, I'm not the kind of wuss that will admit it.

Barbin's eyes float to his sleeping beauty and I have to stop myself from gaging at his smitten expression. He's known her less than a day and he's already lovesick. It was disgusting watching them talk for hours, almost giggly over their similarities. I'm pretty sure they talked about tea for an hour straight.

"I feel bad that we can't stop for the night" Barbin speaks barely above a whisper as he continues to stare at his chosen for a few seconds before leaning back into the soft padding for the bench to look at me.

I raise my eyebrow in question.

"It's the party convention tomorrow. I need to be there"

I almost groan, that means we'll be traveling most of the night in this cramped torture chamber, my long limbs folded awkwardly to avoid the sleeping woman. Goddess knows I would sell my own liver to avoid waking her and having to listen to more simpering on the benefits of fucking tea.

"Any progress with freeing the priestess?" Barbin asks.

"No" I respond shortly. How could there fucking be? They involve me in the fucking schemes and then assign me the hardest fucking job. I want to see them plan a breakout from the lower levels of the temple.

"It needs to happen. It's been months and the Master Priest's trial will start soon"

"I'm aware" and I grunt as I shift my leg again and roll back my shoulders. Fuck this is uncomfortable.

The carriage dips again before pulling out of the pothole.

"I assume you can place her with the other priestesses?" Barbin continues. I had told the others I knew a former priestess in Atona running a shelter for priestesses and I sent the priestesses there after their testimonies before the senate committee. I never met anyone from Atona much less know them well enough to send people to them; I don't know why those fuckers believe my bullshit. How would a poor man like me know anyone from the other side of the planet?

I sent the women into the forest to let Akashis take care of them. It's about the only good thing that has come out of his relationship with my mother.

I nod again at Barbin. I fucking hope he gets the message that I'm not in the mood to talk and leaves me the hell alone.

"She's so pretty..." Barbin starts and I begin to wonder if punching my employer might become a necessity.

I grunt in agreement and try to shift some more in my seat. Maybe if I can get comfortable enough I can get a few hours of sleep. I fold my arms over my chest and lean back towards the side of the carriage at an angle.

"I didn't think... I didn't think I would find someone so lovely" Barbin continues. I look over at the sleeping woman, yeah she is pretty, but she's also pretty fucking annoying. I fucking hope that Barbin doesn't have me watching her often.

Shit though, finding your charge annoying is better than the alternatives. A memory flashes through my mind and I feel my mood turn dark before I push it away.

Fuck, I hate watching chosen.

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